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‘And we both know why.’

There it was again. The chemistry that neither of them wanted.

‘Let’s not go there.’

‘No.’ There was a ripple of exasperation in his vo

ice. ‘But from now on you are by my side the whole time, no matter how uncomfortable that makes you feel. Stay there a moment and don’t move. I’ll be back soon.’

‘You’re leaving?’ Without thinking, she reached out and grabbed his arm. ‘Where are you going?’ Realising what she’d just done, she let her hand drop. God, what was the matter with her? She was having a complete character transformation.

‘To the car to get some ice.’ He watched her, his expression revealing that he was every bit as surprised as she was. Reaching down, he closed his hand over her shoulder. ‘You will be fine, habibti.’


Shock held her still because the last time he’d called her that, they’d been in bed together. Naked. Her legs tangled with his. His mouth hard on hers.

And he must have been experiencing the same memory because his eyes darkened and his gaze slid slowly to her mouth and then back to her eyes. Their whole past was in that one look.

This time she was the one to look away first.

‘You’re right. Of course I’ll be fine,’ she said quickly. ‘I was just—’ Clinging. Like a desperate female. She, who had never clung to anyone or anything before in her life, had clung. She didn’t even want to think about what that would do to his macho ego. And she certainly didn’t want to think about what it did for her reputation.

Horribly embarrassed, Avery shifted back as far as she could. ‘Go and get the ice. Make sure you bring a bottle of Bollinger with it. And tell the scorpions to dine elsewhere. I’m no longer on the menu.’

‘Are you sure you’ll be all right? Only a moment ago you were clinging to me.’

‘Clinging?’ Her attempt at light-hearted laughter was relatively convincing. ‘I was just trying to avoid being bitten by another scorpion. I’d rather they bit you than me.’


‘If there had been a boulder handy, I would have stood on that. Anything to get above ground level. Don’t take it personally. Now go. I’m thirsty.’

It was the first time he’d seen her lower her guard, even briefly.

And he’d lowered his guard too and called her habibti and that single word had shifted the atmosphere. He didn’t know whether to be amused or offended that she considered him a bigger threat to her well-being than the scorpion.

Relieved, he thought grimly as he remembered the way he’d felt when she’d wrapped her arms around his neck. Unlocking the door, he removed ice and the first aid kit he carried everywhere, trying to block out the way it had felt to hold her. She was slender, leggy … and she’d lost weight.

Was that because of him?

No. That would mean she cared and he knew she didn’t care.

He stood for a moment, listening to the sounds of the desert and the disturbing notes of his own thoughts. Then he cursed softly and slammed the door.

Inside the tent, she was sitting quietly. She looked shaken and a little pale but he had no way of knowing whether her reaction was a result of the scorpion bite or the pressure of being in such close contact with him.

Trying to concentrate on the scorpion bite and nothing else, Mal pressed ice to her burning hand and she flinched.

‘Only you can produce ice in a desert.’

‘I have a freezer unit in the vehicle.’ And right at that moment he was working out ways to sit in it. Anything to cool himself down.

‘Of course you do,’ she murmured, ‘because a Prince cannot be without life’s little luxuries, even in this inhospitable terrain.’

‘I suppose I should be relieved that you’re feeling well enough to aggravate me.’

‘I really don’t need ice. You’re hot, Your Highness, but not that hot.’ But despite her flippant tone her cheeks were flushed. Was it the effects of the bite?

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance