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‘Isn’t she doing brilliantly? She’s so good with her sister.’

As she spoke, the baby’s eyes opened and Evie held her breath. Don’t cry.

‘She’s looking at me.’ Elyssa looked at her half-sister in fascination. ‘Can she see me?’

‘Oh, yes.’ Watching the two of them together, Evie felt a lump in her throat. ‘She loves you, Elyssa.’

‘Grandpa and I hung her stocking on the fireplace and I wrote to Santa to tell him she’s only a baby so he doesn’t leave her unsuitable toys.’

‘She’s so lucky having you as a big sister.’ It had taken months of patience but finally the nightmares had stopped and Elyssa had started to behave like a normal little girl. Far from unsettling her, Lara’s birth appeared to have given her greater security—as if the arrival of the baby had somehow cemented their little family.

Elyssa kissed Lara’s downy head. ‘I can’t wait for her to grow big enough to be able to play with me. Can you take her back now? She’s really heavy for someone who only drinks milk.’

Rio expertly scooped up his baby daughter, holding her against his shoulder as he sat down on the sofa next to Elyssa. ‘Did you decorate the Christmas tree while I was away?’

‘Evie wanted to wait for you.’

Knowing how Rio felt about Christmas, Evie cast him an anxious look. It was enough for her that they were together and in England. She was still overwhelmed by his decision to buy the beautiful old Manor House close to the Cedar Court Retirement Home, meaning that she could have her grandfather to stay. He’d declared himself too old to be flying around the world to visit their other homes, so Rio had shifted his business operation to enable him to spend as much time in England as possible.

And her grandfather was delighted that his wish had been fulfilled twice over. He now had two great-grandchildren to hold on his knee.

Rio leaned across Elyssa and delivered a lingering kiss to Evie’s lips. ‘I missed you. No more work,’ he promised, ‘for the whole of Christmas. Anyone who phones me is fired.’

‘I missed you, too.’ She kissed him back, careful not to squash the baby. ‘Are you serious? You’re not working?’

‘I have better things to do with my time. Put your coats on. We’re going outside. I have a surprise for you both.’

‘Outside?’ Excited, Elyssa jumped to her feet. ‘Can Lara come, too?’

‘Not this time. We’re leaving her with Grandpa for a moment.’

Evie’s grandfather was obviously in on the surprise because he timed his entrance perfectly. ‘Elyssa, there’s someone at the front door for you.’

Elyssa shot out of the room and Rio took Evie’s hand in his and followed. ‘I hope you’re not going to be mad with me—’

‘That depends on what you’ve done.’ Her eyes teased him and he kissed her again, unable to leave her alone.

‘I may have gone a little overboard,’ he confessed, ‘but, after years of not celebrating Christmas, I’m determined to make up for it big time.’

Overwhelmed with love for him, Evie lifted her hand and stroked his hair. ‘I wasn’t sure how you’d feel this year—that’s why we haven’t decorated the tree. I thought you might rather we didn’t.’ Hesitant, she watched him. ‘I know the whole thing has bad memories for you.’

‘I’m making new memories—’ he captured her hand in his, his voice husky ‘—with you.’

‘Daddy, come on!’ Elyssa was waiting impatiently and Rio released Evie and walked to the front door.

‘Close your eyes and don’t peep until I say so.’

Elyssa squeezed them shut. ‘Can I look yet?’

Rio opened the door of the house. ‘Now you can look.’

Evie watched as the little girl opened her eyes. Wonder and happiness lit her whole face. Intrigued as to what had caused such a response, Evie turned her head and gasped as she saw the pretty white pony. He stood quietly, his breath clouding the air, a big red bow in his mane. Behind him was a sleigh piled high with presents.

‘Daddy!’ Elyssa could hardly speak. ‘Oh, Daddy!’

Rio looked smug. ‘You like him?’

‘He’s mine? Truly?’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance