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‘Don’t think like that. We just need to have a plan and try and help you relax.’ Relieved that she’d had the foresight to grab her bag before she’d left Patrick’s barn, Hayley reached inside and pulled out a small bottle. ‘See if you like the smell of this.’

She unscrewed the cap and held it under Sally’s nose.


‘It is, isn’t it? It’s an aromatherapy oil I used a lot in America. Perfectly safe in pregnancy and labour. Would you like me to massage your shoulders? I find that sometimes it helps and you really need to relax.’

‘At this point I’m willing to try anything,’ Sally gasped. ‘It really does smell good. Takes your mind off hospitals.’

‘Close your eyes and just think about your breathing,’ Hayley soothed, lifting Sally’s T-shirt just enough to allow her to massage the woman’s back.

Sally closed her eyes and breathed out. ‘All right—that’s better. Actually, it feels unbelievably good. But I think my husband needs it more than me.’

‘We’re not thinking about your husband right now,’ Hayley reminded her, ‘we’re thinking about you.’

‘Oh, yes, I remember.’ Sally was silent for a few minutes, only the slight change in her breathing indicating a change in her pain levels. ‘You are very clever. Where did Patrick find you? I’m starting to feel a bit better. Just don’t let my panicking husband back in here. I’ve never seen him like this. He’s Mr Cool. Every bit as calm as Patrick. And suddenly he’s lost it and turned into the worst kind of panicking man.’

‘It’s because he loves you.’ Hayley’s hands moved gently, smoothing and soothing. ‘Have you thought about using the pool, Sally? I assume they have one here.’

Sally sighed. ‘Tom isn’t keen. Don’t ask me why.’

‘It’s just that I think you might find it relaxing. In my experience women tend to need less pain relief and they just find the whole experience more satisfying. I think it might be perfect for you.’

‘Well, I certainly like all your other ideas. I think I might just want to be massaged by you all the way through my labour,’ Sally murmured. ‘You are so good at that. Another contraction coming…’

‘So focus on your breathing.’ Hayley coached her quietly and then glanced up to see Patrick and Tom standing by the door. She wondered how long they’d been there. Watching.

‘Tom, Hayley thinks I should use the birthing pool and I agree with her.’ Sally spoke firmly, as if she was expecting argument. ‘I want to give it a try.’

Tom glared at Hayley and then let out a breath and looked at Patrick. ‘I don’t think it’s a good idea. What do you think?’

‘I think it’s up to Sally. There’s no medical reason why she shouldn’t.’ Calm and relaxed, Patrick walked over to the bed. ‘What I’d like to do is examine you properly, check on the baby and then we can make a decision together.’

‘I don’t need an obstetrician—I need a midwife.’

Tom sighed. ‘Please, Sal…’

‘Oh, for goodness’ sake.’ Sally flopped back against the pillows. ‘Tom, go and get a cup of coffee.’


‘If you really want Patrick to examine me, fine, but I don’t want you here while he does it. Hayley can chaperone, although I’m sure Patrick isn’t exactly having indecent thoughts about me at this point. I’m about as sexy as a whale.’

Patrick laughed and moved over to the sink to wash his hands. ‘I’m saying nothing. This is one of those conversations where a man can only ever be wrong. Tom, do me a favour and check on my kids, will you? They’re in my office. Maggie was going to get them some chocolate and drinks but I don’t want them being sick on the carpet.’

With obvious reluctance Tom left the room and Sally sighed.


s worried.’

‘Understandably.’ Patrick listened to the foetal heart rate. ‘But his anxiety is stressing you and you already have enough stress. When I’ve checked on you, I’m going to go and calm him down.’

‘How are you going to do that? Knock him unconscious? What do you think about Hayley’s water-birth idea?’

Patrick looked at Hayley, his gaze quizzical. ‘Persuade me.’

Was he testing her? ‘Stress can lead to reduced uterine activity and dystocia.’ Confident in her own skills, Hayley explained her reasoning. ‘Which is why I think you should consider water. It can help relaxation and pain relief. I think it’s worth a try. If she makes no progress, you can always think again.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Lakeside Mountain Rescue Romance