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‘Do you hear from her?’

‘No, and the only reason I care is for the kids. I can’t believe she can just turn her back on her own children.’ His tone was hard. ‘Do you know what really gets to me? The fact that Alfie is OK about it. He saw so little of her that he’s hardly noticed her absence.’

Stella handed him a mug. ‘He’s a sweet boy.’

‘I just hope all of this hasn’t put him off relationships. I worry that he’ll think marriage isn’t a good idea. Like Daniel.’

‘Alfie doesn’t seem to think that. It always amazes me how much children see. He’s pretty wise for ten years old.’ Stella passed him a packet of biscuits. ‘I keep them for Alfie’s visits. Please eat them or I’ll eat them all myself. I’m in that sort of mood. Why did Daniel have to turn up at the pub tonight? Just bad luck, I suppose.’

Patrick took a biscuit. ‘Bad luck doesn’t take you to a pub when you have a date on the other side of town.’

‘You don’t think it was an accident that he was there?’ Stella warmed her cold hands on her mug. ‘How could he possibly have known where I was meeting the guy? Even you didn’t know.’


‘Actually, I did.’ Patrick pulled a face. ‘Alfie told me.’

Stella groaned. ‘Alfie? You think he said something to Daniel?’

‘I think he might have done. The two of them were talking earlier. Money changed hands. Sorry, Stella.’

‘It isn’t Alfie’s fault. And to be honest, it wasn’t even a secret. I suppose I didn’t imagine for a moment Daniel would be interested. And even if he knew where I was going…’ Stella put her mug down. ‘Why would he bother coming? It doesn’t make sense.’

‘Doesn’t it? If you want my opinion, I think my beloved twin couldn’t face the thought of you seeing someone else. It isn’t just me he doesn’t want you to have a relationship with.’ Patrick took a mouthful of coffee. ‘It’s anyone. What does that tell you?’

‘That he’s lost his mind,’ Stella muttered, rubbing her forehead with her fingers as she tried to make sense of what he was saying. ‘He didn’t want me.’

‘Oh, he wanted you, angel. And he obviously still wants you.’

Did he want her? Stella thought about the kiss and felt her cheeks turn pink. Quickly she picked up her coffee again. ‘Even if the chemistry is still there, nothing has changed.’ She was saying it to remind herself as much as Patrick. ‘We want different things.’

‘Yes. I know. That’s what makes the whole thing complicated.’ Patrick suppressed a yawn. ‘So what did he say to you tonight?’

‘He basically turned into a macho, chest-thumping, over-protective…’ Stella ran out of adjectives. ‘He didn’t like the idea of me meeting a stranger.’

‘Neither do I.’

‘You didn’t turn up and hang over me.’

‘No, but I confess I did ring the landlord and ask him to watch out for you.’ Patrick handed her his empty mug. ‘I’d better go. I need to check that Alfie isn’t watching unsuitable movies.’

‘You rang the landlord?’ Stella was stunned by that confession but Patrick simply smiled.

‘Daniel isn’t the only Buchannan brother who can be macho and over-protective.’ He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. ‘Goodnight. I’ll leave you to your internet search. Next time make sure you pick someone who is going to show up.’

Chapter Five

‘STELLA, have you seen Daniel?’ Ellie hurried into the treatment room where Stella was just finishing a dressing. ‘The paramedics are bringing in a baby with breathing problems. I need him.’

‘I haven’t seen him.’ She’d made sure she hadn’t seen him. She didn’t want to set eyes on him until she’d calmed down.

The more she thought about what had happened the evening before, the angrier she became.

Stella saw her patient out of the room and Ellie looked at her closely.

‘All right, tell me what’s wrong. You’ve been hiding in the treatment room all morning.’

‘I’m not hiding.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Lakeside Mountain Rescue Romance