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‘You mean you tell him you like computer games and he tells you he likes playing with Lego?’

‘Something like that.’ ‘What if he’s lying just so that you’ll be friends with him?’

Stella lifted her hand and ruffled his hair. ‘Smart, aren’t you?’

‘Not really. Harry Trent did that to me,’ Alfie grumbled. ‘He said he loved Lego, so I invited him to my house for a sleepover but when he got here he just wanted to nose around. And he kept asking questions about how much money Dad has. He wasn’t interested in Lego.’

‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ Stella said softly. ‘And if this guy is lying to me, I won’t see him again.’

‘Why can’t you just meet someone normally? It’s going to be really weird going out with someone you’ve never met.’

‘Sometimes it’s hard meeting someone “normally”.’ Stella stroked the kitten gently. ‘We lead busy lives and the chances of just bumping into someone you want to spend the rest of your life with are pretty remote.’

‘Why can’t you just be with Uncle Dan? You were going to marry him. Two Christmases ago you sat on my bed and read me that story and you showed me the ring Uncle Dan had given you.’

Remembering how quickly her best Christmas had turned into her worst Christmas, Stella bit her lip. ‘We managed to have fun that Christmas despite everything, didn’t we?’

‘Oh, yeah.’ Alfie shrugged, more adult than child. ‘It was hard at first, when Mum left. Christmas was the final straw for her. She was screaming and yelling like she’d gone mad. At first I thought it was my fault for opening one of my presents early, but Dad told me it was his fault for going to deliver those triplets on Christmas Eve when Mum had dinner on the table.’

‘I remember the triplets. Your dad saved their lives.’

‘I know. He’s cool. But Mum didn’t think so. She hated his job. And she hated Christmas.’ Alfie looked puzzled. ‘I don’t get that, do you? How can anyone hate Christmas? Dad says it stressed her out.’

Finding it hard to feel sympathy for a woman who could leave her children on Christmas Eve, Stella leaned forward and hugged him tightly. ‘Alfie…’ she discovered that she had a huge lump in her throat ‘…this Christmas is going to be the best ever. I promise. And no one is going to be stressed out.’

‘If Dad has to cook a turkey, he’ll be stressed out,’ Alfie predicted, with insight beyond his years. ‘And I’ll probably be stressed out if I have to eat it. Dad is better at delivering triplets than cooking. He needs lessons. He’s going to advertise for someone who wants a kitten. Do you think I could advertise for someone to come and cook Christmas lunch?’

‘You don’t need to advertise. I’ll give him a lesson,’ Stella promised, kissing him on the forehead and then pulling a face. ‘Sorry—are you too old to be kissed?’

‘I don’t mind it,’ Alfie said generously, ‘as long as you don’t do it in front of my friends.’

‘I’ll remember that.’ Stella shut down her computer. ‘Have you made your Christmas list?’

‘Yes. And I’ve posted it up the chimney.’

Stella looked at him, unsure whether he still believed in Father Christmas. ‘And did he pick it up?’

‘It wasn’t there when I looked so, yes, I guess so.’ He picked up the tiny kitten and kissed it. ‘I hope no one wants the kittens. Then we’ll have to keep all of them.’

‘It would be a lot of work for your dad.’

‘I take care of them.’ Alfie tucked the kitten back on his lap. ‘I wish you’d married Uncle Dan.’

Stella thought, Me, too, but managed a smile. ‘Your Uncle Dan isn’t the marrying kind.’

‘I know. He thinks marriage sucks.’

Stella blinked. ‘Are you supposed to use that word?’

‘Probably not, but I know you won’t tell.’ Alfred slid off the chair. ‘If you don’t want to marry Uncle Dan, you could always marry my dad. Then you could cook the turkey. And be my mum. That would be cool.’

‘Being your mum would be cool,’ Stella agreed, closing her laptop. ‘But unfortunately your dad and I don’t love each other. Not in that way. And people who get married should love each other.’

‘You’d have to have sex, and I guess that would be gross.’

Stella gulped. ‘Alfie!’ she floundered, not sure how to respond, but Alfie had already moved on.

‘What’s his name? This guy you’re meeting?’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Lakeside Mountain Rescue Romance