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Maggie grinned. ‘You were right. She’s very pretty. And fun.’

‘Who is very pretty and fun?’

‘Hayley, of course.’

‘You fancy Hayley?’

‘Patrick Buchannan, you are not going to change the subject.’

‘I wasn’t aware that I had.’ Resigning himself to the inevitable, Patrick sighed. ‘Go on, then. What do you want to know?’

‘Is it serious between you?’

‘She’s my housekeeper, Maggie.’

‘I’ve seen you looking at her, Patrick.’

‘Obviously, I look at her.’ Patrick kept his tone casual. ‘She’s worked every shift here for days.’

‘It isn’t the fact that you look at her it’s the way you look at her. You’re clearly crazy about her,’ Maggie said happily. ‘And she adores you, anyone can see that. And I just love happy endings.’

Patrick ran his hand over his jaw. ‘Maggie, there is no happy ending—it’s too soon. We haven’t even…’ What? What hadn’t they done?

Spent time together.

Their relationship had been intense and concentrated and he knew better than anyone that sex was no basis for a long-term relationship.

But it wasn’t just sex, was it?

The more he discovered about her, the more he liked and admired her.

Maggie folded her arms. ‘I’ve known you for seven years. I knew you when you went through the trauma of Posy. I even made you tea when Carly left you. I deserve to enjoy the good bits with you.’

It was just the reminder he needed. ‘Given that my wife walked out two years ago, I’m not likely to jump into another relationship in a hurry.’

‘Your relationship with Carly was over a long time ago. And if something is right, it’s right,’ Maggie said stoutly. ‘You don’t need decades to know it’s right.’

‘Hayley arrived a week ago. A week!’

‘But you met her a few weeks before that.’

‘We spent one night together that’s all.’ Patrick dropped his pen on the desk and exhaled sharply. ‘Why am I discussing this with you?’

‘Because I love you. And because I deserve some excitement in my life. What about Alfie and Posy? The children like her, I’m sure. She’s such fun.’

Patrick had a mental image of Hayley playing hide and seek through the barn the day before. Alfie had been Robin Hood, Posy tripping over a long dress as Maid Marion and Hayley had been the wicked Sheriff of Nottingham. He smiled slightly at the memory. ‘The children adore her.’

Maggie gave a wistful sigh. ‘That’s wonderful, Patrick. I’m so pleased for you. At last you’ve found someone.’

Patrick sent her a warning glance. ‘Don’t. I’m taking this slowly, all right? I’m not going to make another

mistake.’ At least she wasn’t pregnant. That took the urgency out of it. They had no need to make any quick decisions about anything. They had time to let their relationship develop. He was going to take her out. ‘If it works, great. If it doesn’t, we’ll part company.’

‘You’d better not part company. She’s a fantastic midwife, I can tell you that.’ Maggie glanced at her watch. ‘We’re quiet on the labour ward so I’ve brought her down here to help you in clinic.’

Patrick greeted that news with mixed feelings. ‘You think I’m going to feel romantic in clinic?’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Lakeside Mountain Rescue Romance