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Angela groaned and clutched the side of the pool, her eyes tightly closed. ‘Can’t I stay in?’

Sally glanced at Tom but he gave a slight shake of his head. ‘I’d rather you had this particular baby on dry land.’

Angela gasped. ‘I don’t think I can move.’

‘Wait until this contraction has passed and then we’ll help you out.’

A few minutes later Angela was lying on the bed, wrapped in a warm dressing-gown.

Sally snapped on a pair of gloves. ‘Don’t push, Angela. I’m just going to see what’s happening. I don’t want you pushing until your cervix is fully dilated.’

‘I definitely want to push.’ Angela gave a gasp and stopped dead, her fingers biting into Sally’s arm. Oh …’

Tom frowned. ‘How dilated was she when she went into the pool?’

‘Four centimetres.’ Sally examined her carefully and then straightened up. ‘Obviously all that warm water and relaxation did the trick. You’re fully dilated, Angela, and the baby is nicely positioned. You can push whenever you like.’

She looked at Tom expectantly, wondering whether he intended to deliver the baby himself, but he gave a shake of his head.

‘Your delivery,’ he said softly, a faint smile on his hard mouth. ‘Obstetricians only get involved if they have to, and everything is looking fine from my point of view. But I intend to hang around and watch.’

Just in case something went wrong.

Ignoring that smile, Sally turned her attention back to Angela just as Emma popped her head round the door.

‘Do we have action?’

Angela gave a gasp and her husband stepped forward and took her hand.

‘Go on, abuse me,’ he groaned. ‘This is all my fault.’

Angela gave a tired laugh. ‘You can say that again. You and your stupid ideas. “Wouldn’t it be great to have another child?” were your exact words.’

‘Next time I say that you have full permission to hit me,’ her husband said, his tone full of remorse as he stroked Angela’s hair away from her damp forehead. ‘What can I do?’

‘Just be there.’ Angela closed her eyes and screwed up her face as another contraction hit and she pushed. ‘Oh—I never thought it would hurt this much!’

Sally showed her how to use the gas and air properly and Angela

breathed in steadily.

Emma was by her side. ‘Do you need me, or are you staying, Mr Hunter?’

‘I want him to stay,’ Angela said quickly, her breath coming in pants. ‘Please, Mr Hunter. If something goes wrong, I want you to be there.’

‘Nothing is going to go wrong,’ Tom said, his voice deep and reassuring. But he didn’t leave the room. Instead, he lifted an eyebrow at Sally and Emma. ‘Well, if I’m becoming a midwife, you’d better give me some instructions.’

‘You can take the baby,’ Sally said stiffly, looking away from his disturbingly intense blue gaze and turning her attention back to the mother. ‘Well done, Angela. Won’t be long now.’

Angela gave a gasp. ‘Do I need to lie down? I don’t want to make it awkward for you.’

‘You can deliver in any position that feels comfortable to you,’ Sally assured her, adjusting her own position so that she could see what was happening more clearly.

‘I’ve got another contraction coming …’

‘It’s crowning,’ Sally said softly. ‘You’re doing so well, Angela. Try not to push now. I just want you to pant. Pretend you’re blowing out a candle, that’s it—great.’

Moments later Sally had safely delivered the head. She checked that the cord wasn’t around the baby’s neck and shifted her position slightly. ‘We’ll wait for the next contraction, Angela,’ she said, ‘and then this baby will be born.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Lakeside Mountain Rescue Romance