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“It floats.”

“You’ll have to show me.” She handed the boat back. “John taught me to sail when I was your age.”

“I’m learning. Ryan is teaching me.”

Brittany had known Ryan Cooper her whole life. She’d spent her summers with his sister Helen at Camp Puffin and babysat his younger sister, Rachel, to earn money.

She greeted him with a quick kiss on the cheek and then settled down in the vacant seat.

“Good to have you home.” Ryan tilted his chair back and reached for Emily’s hand. “I hear you’ve already seen Zach and the two of you managed to keep it civilized. You didn’t kill him.”


There was nothing civilized about the chemistry between them. Never had been. Being with Zach had been the most dizzying and exciting time of her life.

Until he’d dumped her.

“Why would I kill him? It doesn’t bother me whether he’s here or not.” Ignoring Emily’s raised eyebrows, she sat back while Kirsti delivered food and drinks to the table.

“A special welcome home, Brittany! Fresh blueberries, our homemade cinnamon-and-honey granola, Greek yogurt in case you’re missing Crete, coffee and pancakes. I’m pretty sure they don’t make those in Greece. And I added a side of bacon to your order because I know it’s your favorite. Enjoy.”

Brittany’s stomach purred. Apart from a mouthful of the muffin Emily had produced, she hadn’t eaten since the flight. “If I eat this I’ll be the size of a small yacht.”

“You’re tired. Fuel will help that. And diet soda isn’t fuel.” Kirsti gave her a knowing look and Brittany returned it with a sheepish grin.

“It was my breakfast of choice in Greece.”

Kirsti shuddered. “I know nothing about Greek history but I’m fairly sure that isn’t part of the traditional Mediterranean diet. Eat your granola.”

As she walked away, Brittany glanced around the crowded terrace. “Business is good? I don’t see many empty seats.”

“Business is good.” Ryan reached across and rescued the soft toy Lizzy had dropped.

Looking at the plush puffin, Brittany knew instantly where it had come from. “Rachel had a million of those when she was little.”

“Because she kept losing them and couldn’t sleep without one.”

Knowing that Ryan’s experience of raising his younger siblings had left him with a thirst for a child-free existence, Brittany was surprised by the change in him. “How is Alec? Is he in London at the moment?”

“No, he’s back. Had a drink with him last night. Zach joined us.” Ryan picked up his coffee. “He has your backpack. He’s going to return it.”

“He already did.” Not wanting to dwell on the fact she’d screamed like a baby and then stood in front of him naked, Brittany picked up her spoon and dug it into the granola and yogurt. “There’s no need to look so worried. Our relationship was over a long time ago. I can barely remember it.”

Ryan gave her a steady look but said nothing and she felt a rush of gratitude.

He’d been a good friend to her.

In those few initial weeks after Zach had deserted her, he’d been the one to pick up the pieces.

With his help and the help of her friends and grandmother, she’d healed.

And gradually she’d forced herself to accept the truth.

Zach had never loved her.

He wasn’t capable of it. He wasn’t capable of intimacy or sharing or any of the things that went hand in hand with love.

Brittany looked down at her plate and realized she’d eaten the food without noticing it. “Maybe I was hungrier than I thought.” She looked up just as Ryan reached out and stroked Emily’s cheek with his fingers.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Puffin Island Billionaire Romance