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“Have you had it short before?”

“Never.” And she still wasn’t used to it herself. Her whole life she’d had hair down her back. Now it swung in a short cut that ended at her chin. “I was worried you might hate it.”

“I love it.” He crossed the room toward her. “It makes your eyes look huge. And you have great bones. You’re beautiful—”

“Keep talking. Don’t stop.”

“I have to stop. I can’t talk and kiss you and I really have to kiss you.” He slid his fingers into her hair and brought his mouth down on hers, the intimate slide of his tongue the most erotic thing she’d ever experienced. Heat blasted through her, spreading through her body. He wrapped his arms round her, his arms strong, and she melted against him, passion consuming both of them.

She felt the hardening length of him and might have done something about it there and then if it hadn’t been for the fact that from behind them came the sound of someone clearing his throat.

Ethan released her reluctantly and both of them turned toward the sound.

A man stood in the doorway of the cabin. He was dressed in ski gear and had the bluest eyes Harriet had ever seen.

“Came to check you’d settled in, but you don’t seem to be having any problems on that score.”

“Ty—” Ethan crossed the room and the two men greeted each other. “How’s Jess?”

“She’s going to be the youngest slalom champion in history.” Tyler’s eyes glowed with pride. “No one can catch her.”

“Chip off the old block.”

“Seems that way.”

“And Brenna?”


Ethan grinned. “You’ve been busy. How does Jess feel about it?”

“She can’t wait. She’ll have the baby on skis before he or she can walk.” Tyler’s gaze rested on Harriet. “You brought a guest.”

Harriet recognized him from the photo on the book jacket of the autobiography she’d found in Ethan’s apartment. The front cover had been a photo of him skiing what appeared to be an almost vertical slope, and the back cover had been a photo of him holding a gold medal and laughing at the camera.

“I’m Harriet.” She stretched out her hand but before Tyler could take it two large Siberian husky dogs barreled through the door, almost knocking the two men down.

“Stay! Sit,” Tyler bellowed but both dogs ignored him and headed straight for Harriet.

Tyler swore fluently but Harriet stooped to greet the dogs.

“Well, aren’t you beautiful. Gorgeous, gorgeous dogs.”

Tyler exchanged an astonished glance with Ethan, who shrugged.

“Harriet loves dogs and she’s good with them.”

“In that case she’s going to fit right in around here. I was going to apologize for their terrible manners but maybe I’ll save my breath.”

“They’re the most beautiful dogs I’ve ever seen.” Harriet dropped to her knees on the rug and buried her hands in the fur of the dog closest to her. “I love Siberian huskies. What are their names?”

“That’s Luna. She’s the one with the brain. Devoted to my daughter. Pines when she’s away. The other one is Ash. He’s more of a bruiser. Seems pretty taken with you. Do you have a dog back home?”

“Not my own, but I’m thinking of it.” She stood up and Ash immediately head-butted her leg, annoyed to have lost her attention. “I have to find a breed suitable for apartment living. Nothing as large and bouncy as these.”

“Yeah, they like to use up every inch of the forest. If you have e

verything you need, I’ll leave the two of you to unpack. Dinner is at seven. It’s family night, so no excuses accepted. We’ll catch up properly then. And we’ll find you boots and skis.” He left, the dogs bounding ahead, and Harriet watched them go.

Tags: Sarah Morgan From Manhattan with Love Romance