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She glanced at the menu and sighed. “Better not. I ate half a ton of cookies at Matilda’s a few days ago, and I’m still feeling guilty.” She put the menu down. “And you don’t have a sweet tooth, so I guess it’s just coffee.”

Another slip.

He was working out how he could turn that to his advantage when someone else approached the table. Only this time, he wasn’t the target.

“Harriet?” The woman wrapped Fliss in a tight hug, and Seth saw her face freeze in horror.

It was obvious to him she had no idea who was hugging her.

He came to her rescue.

“Hi, Linda. How are preparations for the bake sale?”

“We’re all set for Saturday. I hope you’re going to stop by and spend a fortune. All in a good cause, the local animal shelter.” She released Fliss. “I feel guilty asking for more support from you, Dr. Carlyle, given all that you already do.”

Suddenly Seth had an idea.

Maybe it was a little unfair, but hey—if Fliss wasn’t above a little subterfuge, then neither was he.

“Harriet makes the best chocolate chip cookies you’ve ever tasted. Isn’t that right, Harriet?”

He smiled at Fliss and saw panic flash across her face.

Extract yourself from that, my beauty.

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly say they were the best—”

“Because Harriet is too modest for her own good.” He looked at Linda, whom he’d known for years. “You should talk her into making some for you.”

“Now, that is a truly excellent idea.” Linda whipped a little book out of her purse and scribbled a note to herself. “I remember the ones you made last summer. And your grandmother was boasting about what a talented cook you are. How could I have forgotten that?”

Fliss looked horrified. “Well, that’s kind of you to say so, but I’m pretty busy right now what with taking care of my grandmother and walking Matilda’s dog.”

“How is Eugenia? I heard she had a fall. If she needs anything at all, I’m here for her.”

“Well, that’s very generous—”

“And I’m sure you’ll be baking for her, seeing as she’s ill and all, so I don’t feel guilty asking you to make a few more for us to sell. Your chocolate chip cookies are famous around here. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it myself. Thank you, Seth!”

Fliss floundered and then bared her teeth in what was probably supposed to be a smile. “Sure. It will be my pleasure.”

Seth smiled inwardly.

He was sure it was going to be anything but pleasure.

He wondered how she’d handle it.

Phone Harriet? Watch a video on YouTube?

Maybe he should call the fire department and warn them to get the hoses ready.

Their coffee arrived, and Linda left them in peace.

“It was good of you to offer.”

“I didn’t volunteer. You volunteered me.” She poked at the foam on her cappuccino and sent him a furious look. “Why did you do that?”

Tags: Sarah Morgan From Manhattan with Love Romance