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He turned to look at her. “Have you ever been in love?”

“No, but it’s on my bucket list.”

“If you haven’t been in love then you’re not in a position to judge whether it’s something a person would want more than once in a lifetime.”

“I wasn’t suggesting you go out there and fall in love. I was thinking smaller. Start with a dance. Even if you’re not going to, then I am. I’d like to spread my feathers.”

“You mean your wings. Feathers are ruffled.” But the light banter held new layers of intimacy. It was superficial because they chose to keep it superficial, not because they didn’t each have a deeper understanding of the other.

“I’m starting to understand why you’re still single. If you keep correcting people it makes them want to slap you, not seduce you. At least talk to a few people. There isn’t a woman in this room who isn’t secretly hoping you’ll dance with them.”

“That’s because they know I have money.”

“It’s more likely to be because you’re pretty hot when you don’t scowl. Being your wingman is hard work. I might have to charge you overtime.” She nudged him. “Smile. Try it and let’s see if you’re mobbed. I’ll stand on the other side of the room and watch.”

He frowned. “No. Eva, you can’t—”

She forced herself to walk away, even though all she wanted to do was stay by his side. He needed to meet someone who interested him and that was never going to happen while she was standing there. And she wouldn’t meet anyone either, if only because while Lucas was close by he was the only man she noticed.

She was going to forget the fact that he was better-looking and more interesting than anyone else there. She was going to forget the way he listened so attentively and the way he made her feel.

She was going to meet someone who actually wanted a relationship.

* * *

Why had he agreed to come?

On the far side of the room he could see Eva, laughing up at a man who had his back to him. Was it someone he knew? The raw, gut-wrenching jealousy was something he’d never felt before and he certainly hadn’t expected to feel it tonight.

“Lucas! It really is you.” A female voice interrupted his thoughts and he turned to see a beautiful redhead smiling at him.

“Caroline.” He leaned forward and dutifully kissed her on both cheeks. He could smell the alcohol and see the extra bright glitter of her eyes.

She’d been an acquaintance of Sallyanne’s, although not one of the inner circle.

“I didn’t expect to see you here. Are you alone?” She slipped her arm through his. “We should dance. Celebrate being young and alive.” Her expression froze as she realized what she’d said.

The look in her eyes took him back to the time of his wife’s death, when everyone had walked on eggshells and he’d found himself comforting those who had no idea what to say to him. His role had been to convince them that he was all right, and then to make them feel all right.

Social situations were almost invariably fake, but since Sallyanne’s death they’d become even more so. Fake smiles, fake jollity.

And Caroline, having put her foot in it, now seemed determined to make up for it by being extra concerned and caring. “How have you been, Lucas?” Her hand stroked over his sleeve, lingering just a little too long for friendship.

Across the room he saw Eva laugh again and watched as the man turned slightly and moved closer to her.

Now he had a better view, and—

Shit. It was Michael Gough. Single man of the town. Eva wouldn’t stand a chance against him. However good her radar was, she was unlikely to detect the flaws in Michael. On the surface he was a charmer, but Lucas knew with one hundred percent certainty that he’d use that condom of hers and then break her heart.

“Lucas?” Caroline was still next to him, standing a little too close.

“Have a great evening, Caroline.”

“Oh, but—”

He didn’t hear the rest of her sentence because he was striding across the ballroom, half-blinded by the sparkle and dazzle of the dance floor and the light, avoiding spinning couples. The music was nothing more than a faint background noise, barely audible through the pounding of blood in his head.

He reached Eva just as Michael leaned closer.

Tags: Sarah Morgan From Manhattan with Love Romance