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“Yes. And that shouldn’t bother you because I’m sure you’ll be mobbed by gorgeous women the moment you set your foot inside the place. With luck, you’ll meet someone, too.”


“Yes. I’m going to get lucky. I feel it.” What she really wanted, of course, was to get lucky with him, but she knew that wasn’t going to happen. He wasn’t ready for a relationship, and she wasn’t prepared to get involved with someone who wasn’t ready. She needed a straightforward relationship that made her happy. She didn’t have the emotional resilience to cope with more trauma, no matter how scorching the chemistry.

“Have you been talking with my grandmother?”

“No. I planned to stop by to see her tomorrow on my way home. So what’s your answer, Mr. Blade? Will you take me to the Snowflake Ball?”

“If that’s your price, then yes.” A sardonic smile touched his mouth. “You were the one who got me into it. Seems only fair that you have to endure the evening with me.”


“Oh, yeah, the Snowflake Ball at the Plaza will be a real hardship for her,” Frankie muttered. “Torture in a tux.”

Eva shot her friend a quick glare before turning back to Lucas. “We have a deal?”

“We do. But what happens when this ball doesn’t live up to your expectations? I know that top of your Christmas list is meeting someone, but your list of requirements was pretty specific.”

Paige frowned. “You know about her list?”

“I do. What were your criteria again?” He ticked them off on his fingers. “Broad shoulders, abs, sense of humor— ability to tolerate your ancient teddy bear and enough stamina to give your condom a decent workout before it expires like the last one you carried in your purse.”

Paige glanced at Eva in disbelief. “Ev—?”

Eva felt her face burn. Why did she have such a big mouth? “I don’t see anything wrong in being honest, although I admit I didn’t mean to tell him all that. It sort of slipped out. And it isn’t a teddy bear, it’s a kangaroo.”

Frankie dropped her head onto her desk. “You’re not safe to be let out. If you go to that ball, what’s to stop you going home with some sleaze?”

“I am a very good judge of human nature.”

Frankie lifted her head and gave Lucas a long, hard look and he gave an almost imperceptible nod, as if they were in perfect agreement on something.

“She’ll be safe with me. I promise not to let her go off with anyone unsavory.”

“You think you can tell what someone is like by just looking?”

“No.” His response was immediate. “That’s why you should know she’ll be safe with me. I have no illusions about human nature.”

“He doesn’t.” Eva confirmed it. “It’s very disturbing. And I wish you’d all stop talking about me as if I’m some abandoned puppy that needs a home. I can bite when I need to, thank you.”

He turned back to her. “So now I’ve agreed to this, you’ll come back and work for me?”

“Yes. I need to pack a few things, though. I’ll come over tomorrow.”

“Tonight. Time is tight.” He checked his watch. “Give me your home address and I’ll send a car for you. I don’t want you traveling on the subway.”

“We’ll email the contract over to you right away.” Paige was brisk and businesslike and Lucas gave a brief nod and left the room.

Eva stared at her friends. “You just sold me. To the highest bidder.”

“He was the only bidder,” Frankie said cheerfully and Paige grinned as she opened up their standard contract on her computer.

“I didn’t ‘sell’ you. I cut a very good deal for Urban Genie.”

“You sold me for the same price as that small Caribbean island Matilda and Chase are currently staying on.”

“And you still get to work while you’re there. This is the deal of the century. I love my job. And you, Miss Jordan, are very good at yours. I’ve pulled up your schedule. We’ll reassign your external commitments and the rest you can do from Lucas’s apartment. Just check in here with us from time to time.”

Tags: Sarah Morgan From Manhattan with Love Romance