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Her best was impressive. She held up the bouquet, a froth of creamy white blooms with delicate floral tendrils tumbling like a train.

He knew nothing about bridal bouquets but even he could see the artistry in her creation.

“Wow.” Brittany paused in the doorway, “You have real talent.”

Frankie gave her a quick smile. “Thank you. One down, two more to go.”

Interesting, Matt thought, that she accepted the compliment from a woman without question but whenever he did the same thing she floundered and flapped.

Or maybe it had something to do with the fact that the compliment had been work-related rather than personal.

Brittany poured herself a coffee and watched as Frankie tied the other two bouquets. “Awesome. Are you done? If so, we should probably get going. Half the island is waiting for us.”

Matt saw Frankie’s expression change. So did Brittany.

“Is something wrong?”

“No. I—” She paused. “I haven’t been back to the island in a long time, that’s all.”

“Is that a problem? Are you worried about not knowing many people? Because Zach and I can introduce you and—”

“That’s not it. If people don’t know me, that’s probably better.” Frankie put the scissors down carefully. “My family isn’t very popular around here and the locals have long memories.”

“Now I’m intrigued.” Brittany finished her coffee as Zach walked back into the room. “What did you say your last name was?”


Brittany opened her mouth to speak again but it was Zach who stepped forward. He put his hand on Frankie’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

“Whatever your reputation, it will be eclipsed by mine. I’m the big bad wolf of the island. They’ll be too busy frowning at me to notice you.”

“They’re not that bad.” Brittany tidied up the table, gathering up pieces of stem and leaves. “They’ve accepted you. Mostly.”

“Exactly. I often feel as if I’m still on trial. They’re waiting for me to step out of line.” But Zach looked more amused than annoyed and Brittany hooked her finger into the front of his shirt and tugged him toward her.

“Just so we’re clear, I love it when you step out of line.”

She stood on tiptoe, kissed him briefly on the mouth, then turned back to Frankie. “Don’t worry about the locals. You will have a hero’s welcome. And now we should go or Emily will start freaking out.”

Zach raised an eyebrow. “I’ve never seen her freak out.”

“She freaks out in a quiet, tense way, and I don’t want her freaking out. I don’t want this baby arriving in the middle of the wedding.” Brittany strode around the kitchen stuffing various items into her purse. “So there’s a party tonight at the Ocean Club. I hope you’re both coming? Dance until your feet ache and all that.”

Matt wondered how Frankie would react to that but she nodded.

“If the locals haven’t chased me off the island by then, that would be fun.”

“No one is chasing you anywhere.” Brittany placed the bouquets carefully in a box. “I texted Ryan and he’s bringing every ribbon Lizzy owns. She’s insisting on wearing a tiara and fairy wings. We’ll meet him at the beach and make a decision about which is best.” She glanced at them. “Are you guys going to change? Because you might as well do that here. Saves you flashing the locals in the beach parking lot.”

Matt fetched their clothes from the car.

Frankie changed into the jumpsuit made of emerald-green silk, which made her eyes look luminous and brought out the bright copper shades in her hair.

Distracted, Matt fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. “You look incredible.”

“Thanks.” But her smile was anxious and he knew that despite Brittany’s reassurances, she was worried.

As they pulled into the beach parking lot he turned to look at her.

Tags: Sarah Morgan From Manhattan with Love Romance