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“She called someone on the town council to let them know I was safe. They’d all been out looking for me.”

“Why did you run in the first place?”

Frankie stared out the window. She’d never told anyone the reason. “I guess it was shock.” That part wasn’t a lie. She had been in shock. Panicked and confused. Not only had her father walked out, she’d been put in a hideous position and had no idea how to handle it.

“Your mom must have been worried sick.” Matt glanced at her and some

thing in his searching gaze made her wonder whether he’d guessed there was more to the story.

“She was too shocked about my dad to be thinking much about me.” Frankie tried to shake off the past. “So where are we going first?”

“If you’re in the mood for talking about apple trees, I thought we’d go and do the site visit. Then we can call in at the harbor and pick up some supplies on our way to the cabin.”

Harbor Stores was the center of island gossip. She wondered if he’d think she was a coward if she stayed in the car for that part and let him pick up what they needed.

He drove like a local, taking back roads that avoided the center of town and finally ended up on a road that skirted the forest.

The couple who wanted the apple orchard gave them a warm welcome. They had a pitcher of iced tea waiting and Frankie sipped her drink while she and Matt studied the garden and discussed the options.

Although Matt wasn’t a trained horticulturist, he had plenty of ideas and experience, and one big advantage. He’d grown up on Puffin Island. He understood the climate and the challenges of planting in this environment.

Two hours later they climbed back into the car and Matt drove toward the harbor.

“That was useful. It’s a comparatively sheltered garden. It will be easier than I thought.”

“We are going to need to spend some time preparing the soil first.”

“Agreed.” They were approaching the road that led past the harbor, and Frankie shrank down slightly in her seat. She wasn’t ready to see people. She hadn’t worked out how to handle it.

Matt pulled into a parking space and turned to look at her. “I can go on my own if that’s what you’d prefer.”

Then she’d have to confess to Paige and Eva that she’d stayed in the car.

“No. Let’s do this.” She reached down to release her seat belt and his hand covered hers.

“You’re not going to war, Frankie.” His voice was soft. “Most of the people in there won’t remember anything about that time. Half of them probably don’t know your mother.”

“Let’s hope not, otherwise I’ll be hiding behind you.” She tried to make a joke of it. “Good thing you have broad shoulders.”

She walked into Harbor Stores feeling as if she was walking the plank. The bell on the door sounded, announcing her arrival, and heads turned.

Here we go.

Her face burned and then she felt Matt’s arm curve around her waist protectively.

“Relax.” He murmured the word in her ear. “Almost everyone in here is a tourist. What do you want to eat tonight? Before you answer I need to warn you that if I’m cooking, you have a choice of three things.”

“Three? That’s all?” She was relieved to have an excuse to focus on him. “Spell it out.”

“Pizza, pasta and duck legs in orange sauce.”

“That’s fancy.”

He gave her a wicked smile. “It’s the dish I cook when I want to get laid.”

“Does it work?”

“I guess we’ll find out later.”

Tags: Sarah Morgan From Manhattan with Love Romance