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On the surface they appeared to be getting on well, but he still hadn’t talked about the future, had he? He hadn’t mentioned marriage.

He hadn’t said ‘I love you’.

And neither had she, because this time she was terrified of saying the wrong thing. Of spilling out something he didn’t want to hear. Every time they made love she had to clamp her mouth shut, terrified that the words might fly out by themselves in an unguarded moment of ecstasy.

Her appetite gone, Kelly put her fork down and took a sip of water.

It was early days, she told herself firmly. It was going to take time to rebuild what they had. And, anyway, they were building something new. Something better. Something deeper and more enduring.

That wasn’t something that could be rushed. He was right to wait. She had to give it time.

But telling herself that did nothing to alleviate the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Chapter Nine

‘WE’RE flying to Italy for one evening?’ Kelly decided that she’d never be able to be as cool as he was about foreign travel. ‘Where, exactly?’

‘Venice. We’re attending a reception at a gallery.’ Alekos didn’t quite meet her eyes and she had a distinct feeling that there was something he wasn’t telling her.

‘And they like you because you’re rich and you spend money? Can we go on a gondola?’ She was talking to his shoulders because he’d already walked into his dressing room.

‘That’s for tourists.’

‘I’m a tourist.’ Bouncing off the bed, Kelly followed him into the dressing room. ‘I’ve always wanted to go on a gondola.’

Selecting a suit and a fresh white shirt, Alekos gave a tense smile. ‘All right. I’ll take you on a gondola tomorrow before we come home. Tonight is a very smart gathering. You need to dress up.’

Kelly rested her hand over her stomach self-consciously. ‘I’ll have to wear something baggy; my tummy is sticking out. It must be too much Greek food.’

‘Or it could be our baby,’ Alekos said softly, placing his hand over hers. For a moment his eyes lingered on hers and then he lowered his head and kissed her on the mouth. ‘I bought you a dress.’ Reaching into the wardrobe, he retrieved a large box decorated with a subtle, tasteful logo. ‘I hope you like it.’

‘You mean you hope it covers my fat tummy. At least I have an excuse—the worst thing is when someone asks you when the baby is coming and you have to tell them you’re not pregnant.’ Light-headed, thrilled by his unexpected warmth towards the baby, Kelly chatted away. ‘It’s almost worth being pregnant for ever just so that you have an excuse when your clothes are too tight. Oh.’ She removed the dress from the tissue paper and stared at it in awe. ‘It’s stunning. Gold. Long.’

‘Is it all right?’

Kelly wondered why he was asking her that when he’d bought her clothes before without ever asking her opinion. Why be worried about this one? Unless it really was a very important evening. ‘The dress is perfect.’

‘I hope you don’t trip over the hem.’

‘Me too. With any luck there won’t be any stairs,’ she said hopefully, fingering the fabric with deference. ‘Where did you buy it?’

Alekos turned away from her and delved inside the pocket of his suit, searching for something. ‘It was made especially by an Athenian designer,’ he said vaguely. ‘I gave her your measurements.’

Was it her imagination or was he suddenly a little tenser than he’d been a few moments before? Picking up an atmosphere but not understanding it, Kelly was worried she hadn’t been enthusiastic enough. Perhaps he thought she was being ungrateful.

‘I love it. Honestly, it’s gorgeous. I’ve never had anything made especially for me before.’ She delved in the box and pulled out a pair of shoes made from the same fabric. Eyeing the heels, she gave a faltering smile. ‘Will there be a lot of valuable items on display for me to crash into?’

‘You won’t be crashing anywhere tonight, agape mou.’ Relaxed again, Alekos strolled towards the shower. ‘Your stylist will be here in half an hour, so why don’t you grab some rest while you can?’

‘My stylist.’ Kelly grinned to herself. ‘I’m not sure why that sounds so good. I ought to be able to style myself, but it’s awfully nice to know that there will be someone else to blame if you end up looking a total mess. Are we coming home tonight?’

‘No. We’re booked into a suite at the Cipriani.’

‘The Cipriani? I’ve heard of that,’ Kelly squeaked. ‘Wow. Lots of famous people stay there: George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Alekos Zagorakis…’

‘And Kelly,’ Alekos finished, and she gave a weak smile.

‘And Kelly. I just hope George Clooney doesn’t feel upstaged by me being there. Poor him. He doesn’t stand a chance, does he?’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance