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‘That’s the dress’s problem, not mine.’

‘Do you even own make-up?’

‘Of course.’ Meg thought about the ancient tubes at the back of the bathroom cabinet. ‘Somewhere. Everything has probably dried up by now.’

‘If you haven’t worn it for years, it will be the wrong make-up. We’ll start fresh. Not because you need it, because you don’t, but because wearing it will make you feel better.’

An hour later they were sitting in a coffee shop surrounded by bags.

‘I honestly can’t see myself wearing glitter on my eyes. I’ll look like something that fell off the Christmas tree.’ Meg poked the foam on her cappuccino. ‘And the lipstick is too dark. I look like a vampire.’

‘You look great. I’m really excited! I’ve been dying to see you take a chance on a man.’

‘I’m not taking a chance. I’m just going to a Christmas ball, for goodness’ sake. We’re talking about one date, not a future.’

‘Every future starts with one date. You’re so wary of everyone, Meg. Matt from Orthopaedics asked you out loads of times, but you said no. Last year it was that really nice doctor from New Zealand whose name escapes me—Pete, that’s it. You turned him down too. This is the first time you’ve said yes. You must really like Dino.’

Meg’s palms were damp. Realising that she did really like Dino made her want to hyperventilate with panic. How had that happened? How had she lowered her guard enough to let someone in? ‘Dino?’ Her mouth was dry and she struggled to keep her voice casual. ‘He’s fine.’

‘Fine? Fine? He’s completely, insanely gorgeous. Do you know how many of the nurses are trying to get his attention all the time?’

Meg pushed her cup away, feeling slightly sick. ‘Yes. Yes, I do know.’

‘So you should feel really special. He wants to go with you. He really likes you. You have so much in common. For a start, you both love the mountains.’

‘Yes, but being in the mountains is different from being on a date. I’m not worrying about how I look all the time. I’m just me.’

‘And it’s just you he’s invited to the ball,’ Ellie said logically. ‘So it’s no different. It’s just that you’ll be doing it in a dress. And it’s a gorgeous dress. You’re going to have a great time. I know you are.’

Meg gave up trying to make Ellie understand. Instead, she shifted the focus of the conversation. ‘What are you going to wear?’

‘No idea. I have a red dress that I bought before I had the children so if I can still fit into it, I might wear that. Then I have a black one that is good for “fat” days.’

‘Wow. More than one dress.’ Meg made a joke of it, but deep down she was in full-on panic mode. Maybe she could develop flu. Or maybe her mum could be persuaded not to babysit. Or maybe… With a sigh, she slumped in her chair. It was no good. She was going to have to go.

The whole thing was her worst nightmare.


AT LUNCH TIME on the day of the ball, Dino slammed his way through the doors of the emergency department, his bleep sounding and his phone ringing simultaneously. ‘Is someone trying to get hold of me?’

‘Dino, thank goodness.’ Unusually flustered, Ellie pushed equipment into his hands. ‘There’s a car stuck in snow on the Wrynose Pass. They can’t go forwards and they can’t go back. You need to go and help. Meg is going with you. I’ve packed everything I think you’ll need.’

‘How about a winch?’ Dino lifted an eyebrow. ‘Since when did we start operating a vehicle recovery service?’

‘It’s not the vehicle you’re recovering, it’s the woman inside. She’s very pregnant. She was on her way over the pass to stay with her mum, because it’s closer to the hospital and she’s afraid of being snowed in, but she’s now stuck in the snow. Before you say anything, no, it isn’t funny.’ Ellie stuffed two more blankets into his arms. ‘Do you want the rest of the good news?’

‘That was good news?’

‘This is her second baby. The first one was a precipitate delivery. Thirty minutes from start to finish.’

Dino rolled his eyes. ‘In that case, she needs to be airlifted.’

‘The helicopter has just been grounded—they’ve found a fault. They’re trying to get another one but in the meantime the only vehicle that can get you up there is the mountain rescue ambulance. Meg’s already outside, waiting for you, revving up the engine.’

Dino strode towards the door and flung the extra equipment into the back of the four-wheel-drive vehicle that was used by the mountain rescue team. ‘I’m driving.’

‘No way.’ Meg fastened her seat belt. ‘I’m already sitting at the wheel. Get in, macho man.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance