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‘Do you always insist on doing everything by yourself, with no help?’

‘Yes. I’m a grown-up. That’s what happens when you’re a grown-up. It’s called independence.’

‘Doesn’t mean you can’t take help.’

‘I’m fine, Dino.’

He stood still, wondering what it was about him that had her so on edge. She wasn’t just uncomfortable around him—she was nervous. Jumpy. ‘If I’d asked you out to dinner, would you have said yes?’

‘Maybe… No…’ She shook her head. ‘No, I wouldn’t. I don’t date. It just isn’t…’

‘Isn’t what?’

‘Me. My life. Pick another woman, Dino.’

‘I just picked you.’

‘Well, unpick me!’ Her eyes were two huge pools of panic. ‘You’d have more fun with someone else. I’m not great at parties. I don’t dance, I hate small talk and…’ She flicked the wisps of hair out of her eyes with shaking fingers. ‘Dino, just forget it. I don’t even know why you’re asking me.’

‘Because you’re the one I want to take. We don’t have to dance if you don’t want to. But that doesn’t stop us going out. It’s Christmas, Meg. Let your hair down.’ He meant it in both a figurative and literal sense. He’d only seen her with her hair down once and that had been when she’d pulled her hat off her head the night they’d rescued Harry. The image of pale gold curls was still embedded in his brain. Using his powers of persuasion, he tried to think what might tempt her to go. ‘It’s a really smart evening. A good excuse to buy yourself a new dress.’

Another plate almost slipped to the floor but this time she caught it just in time. ‘I don’t need a new dress because I’m not going.’

Dino cursed himself for being tactless. She was a single mother, wasn’t she? She probably had to watch her finances really carefully and here was he suggesting she buy a new dress. He wanted to offer to treat her to something new but sensed that would offend her well-developed sense of independence. Instead, he tried to rescue the situation. ‘Just wear anything that’s in your wardrobe.’

‘Oh, right. I’ll wear my best weatherproof jacket, shall I?’ Her tone was light but her shoulders were rigid as she clattered around the kitchen, tidying surfaces that were already tidy. ‘As I said, it’s kind of you Dino, but, really, I don’t want to go. You’ll have loads more fun with someone else. I won’t offer you coffee because I expect you’re in a hurry to leave.’

And that was that.

The friendly atmosphere had shattered. The conversation had made her so uncomfortable that she wanted it to be over. She wanted him to leave.

Dino didn’t budge. ‘Coffee would be great. And I’m not in a hurry. So is it the issue of what to wear that’s putting you off going? Because if so, I—’

‘You don’t give up, do you?’ Her interruption was sharp. ‘I’ve told you—that sort of thing just isn’t me.’

‘So what is you?’

She spooned fresh coffee into a jug. ‘I play with my son and my dog. I work. I train Rambo. I walk in the mountains. That’s it. That’s my life. Maybe other people wouldn’t find it exciting, but I love it. I don’t need to dress up to enjoy myself. I’m happier in my walking boots than stilettos. Going to parties isn’t on the list of things I do.’

Dino stood up and walked across to her, removed the spoon from her hand and put his hands on her shoulders. Rambo lifted his head, tongue lolling. Then his tail brushed over the floor, as if he approved.

‘Why does it have to be one thing or another? You make it sound as though they’re two different lives, but they could fit alongside each other. We had a deal, remember?’ He cupped her face in his hands, stroking his thumb over her cheek, trying to read what was going on in her head. ‘You owe me a date. Time of my choosing. Place of my choosing. Time is going to be next Saturday. Place is going to be the Christmas ball. And you’re going to have a nice time. I promise you.’

‘Don’t you listen to “no”?’

‘I’m selective.’

Her eyes gleamed with exasperation. ‘Why are you asking me, anyway? Is Melissa busy?’

‘Melissa?’ Dino frowned. ‘You mean the blonde who works in the observation unit? I have no idea if she’s busy. I haven’t asked her.’

‘You should. Judging from the way she was flirting with you earlier in the week, I’m sure she’d say yes.’

‘That’s why you walked off so abruptly?’

‘I didn’t want to get in the way of a beautiful romance.’ She pushed at his chest and he thought it was interesting that this time Rambo didn’t growl a warning. Which was just as well because, dog or no dog, this time he wasn’t moving.

‘I’m not in a relationship with Melissa.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance