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Mark broke the long silence that followed. ‘That’s nice to hear. And it means you can definitely be my fiancée without me worrying that you’ll expect me to marry you at the end of it.’

‘Which brings us back to your story of the woman,’ Holly prompted him, and he sighed.

‘So it does. Anyway, we went out for this drink and she cornered me. I managed to escape without hurting her feelings but it’s getting worse by the day.’

‘Did you kiss her?’

There was an explosion of sound. ‘No, I did not kiss her!!’

‘Maybe you should have done. You shou

ld have given her a really horrid, wet, wimpy, slimy kiss that would have put her off you for ever.’

‘I’m not sure I know how to kiss like that.’ His voice shook with laughter. ‘And if you know how that sort of kiss feels then you’ve definitely been going out with the wrong sort of men.’

Holly’s smile wavered. She didn’t need him to tell her that, but men and relationships were the last thing on her mind right now.

‘OK.’ She changed the subject quickly. ‘So what’s happening with this woman at the moment?’

He gave a groan. ‘It’s becoming embarrassing at work. I didn’t want to be rude and ruin a working relationship, so I mentioned that I was engaged to you.’

Holly took a deep breath. ‘Well, that’s all right,’ she said carefully. ‘Other people have long-distance relationships. Just tell them I’ve got a job I can’t leave.’

There was a long pause. ‘It isn’t that simple. They wormed the truth out of me, I’m afraid.’

‘The truth?’

‘That you left your job a few months ago and have done bits of agency work since. Unfortunately my confession coincided with our practice nurse leaving to have a baby, so they came up with the idea of you joining me. I was cornered really, but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like a brilliant solution. If I have a fiancée down here in Cornwall, then this woman is more likely to leave me alone.’

Holly’s mouth opened and closed. ‘So they already think I’m coming? You didn’t think to ask me first?’

If he hadn’t been her dearest friend she would have put the phone down!

‘I’m asking you now! In fact, I’m begging you, Holl!! Think about it,’ he urged, his voice deep and persuasive. ‘If I have a fiancée I don’t have to spend every minute of the day wondering whether what I’m doing or saying could be misconstrued. I can just get on with my life.’

‘But, Mark—’

‘And you can get on with your life, too. You still haven’t found a permanent job, have you?’ He paused. ‘You haven’t told me why you resigned from your last practice nurse post, but I know something happened.’

Holly stiffened, and her heart rate bolted. Suddenly they’d moved onto dangerous ground. ‘Nothing happened.’

‘Come on, Holl, this is me. I know you better than anyone.’ His voice was gruff. ‘You’re not the sort of person to leave a job without good reason.’

She’d had a good reason. A very good reason. ‘I—It was nothing. Just politics.’

‘Don’t lie to me, Holly.’ His voice was calm and matter-of-fact. ‘I know something’s wrong. And I know it’s something big because it’s the first problem in your life you haven’t shared with me.’

He was right. It was the first thing she hadn’t been able to tell him. But he’d been miles away in Cornwall and it wasn’t something she could talk about on the phone.

She bit her lip. ‘Mark—’

‘It’s OK, babe,’ he said softly. ‘I know you’ll tell me when you’re ready. I’m just suggesting that whatever it was might heal faster down here. The job is yours for as long as you want it, and if you decide to leave when this is all over then fine. I know you’re not happy just doing agency work—’

‘It means I can pick and choose the jobs I do.’

Which was absolutely essential for her peace of mind.

‘But that’s not you. You like stability.’ Mark was as astute as ever. ‘So get yourself down here and then I’ll be close by when you’re ready to spill the beans.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance