Page 66 of Kisses at Sunset

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Ally grinned in spite of herself. ‘The youngest, actually. Shall I follow you down?’

‘Have you got a helmet?’


‘Then you’re staying here.’ His eyes gleamed. ‘Although, if you’ve spent your life being reckless, I don’t suppose this is exactly the time to reform you. But as you rightly said, one of us needs to go for help. If you’re sure you can do it without getting lost then that’s the best solution.’

‘Lost? Why should I get lost?’ Ally held onto her temper. Just. ‘Your opinion of women is appalling. Who on earth have you spent your life mixing with?’

‘You want a list?’ He gave her a wolfish grin and she could have bitten her tongue off. What a stupid thing to say. A man like him would have had women clawing each other to get at him since he could walk.

She changed the subject quickly, her voice crisp and businesslike. ‘You do know not to move a casualty unless it’s absolutely necessary?’

He raised an eyebrow. ‘You’d like to add a first-aid lesson to your abseiling lesson?’

She flushed. ‘I wasn’t being rude. It’s just that I’m a doctor and I thought that—’

‘A doctor?’ His eyes narrowed and she rolled her eyes.

‘Don’t tell me—you don’t think women should be doctors.’

‘Did I say that?’

He hadn’t, of course, and, judging from the strange light in his eyes, she had a nasty feeling that he was overplaying the chauvinism just to wind her up. And she was falling for it every time…

‘Just go and fetch the mountain rescue team and stop worrying.’ This time his tone was gentle. ‘I’m a doctor, too, so you can relax.’

Relax? He had to be kidding! She’d never be able to relax in his company in a million years! And he didn’t look like any doctor she’d ever met. He looked more like someone from the SAS.

She watched while he checked the anchor point once more and adjusted his helmet, before looping a rope around his body in classic abseiling style.

‘Ouch.’ She wrinkled her nose. ‘Not the most comfortable way of doing it.’

‘You can say that again.’ He gave her a rueful smile. ‘Unfortunately, I didn’t come out fully equipped for abseiling.’

‘Will you be OK?’

‘Oh, yes.’ He gave a short laugh. ‘My youth was as misspent as yours.’

‘Well, be careful,’ she mumbled. ‘It’s a difficult abseil.’

‘I’ll manage.’ His eyes locked with hers. ‘Are you sure you can get down the mountain safely? It goes against my better judgement to let you go alone…’

She smiled sweetly. ‘Do us both a favour and leave your better judgement down there in the gully, will you?’

Why on earth did she find him so attractive? All he needed was a loincloth and he’d be the original Stone-Age man!

‘Are you this prejudiced against all women or is it just blondes?’

He gave her a slow, sexy grin that melted her irritation faster than ice cream in a microwave. ‘Don’t misunderstand me, I’ve always

been a sucker for blondes. In the right place.’

‘And no doubt that’s chained to the kitchen sink at home.’

‘Barefoot and pregnant, you mean?’ His eyes gleamed wickedly. ‘Oh, no, sweetheart. If you were mine I wouldn’t waste you in the kitchen.’

If she were his—

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance