Page 61 of Kisses at Sunset

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‘Wow.’ Archie ran into the kitchen and skidded to a halt. ‘Major lip lock.’

Kat freed herself and gaped at her son. ‘What did you say? Where did you hear that expression?’

Archie gave a shrug and scuffed his foot on the floor. ‘Summer camp?’

Kat made a mental note to rethink summer camp for the following year. ‘Josh and I were just…’ She cleared her throat. ‘We were just…’

‘I know.’ Archie’s voice was patient. ‘You were cuddling. That’s all right. You don’t have to explain. I know about that. Sometimes girls like being cuddled.’

‘They do, indeed.’ Josh shot a last, lingering look at Kat and strolled over to the boy. ‘Hey, Arch.’ He hunkered down so that they were on the same level. ‘You remember this morning when you mentioned that sleep-over? I’m thinking of taking you up on your invitation.’

‘Cool!’ Archie’s face brightened and then fell. ‘Trouble is…’ he eyed Josh’s shoulders doubtfully ‘…you’re definitely too big for my snuggle sack.’

Josh ran a hand over his roughened jaw and gave a nod. ‘I probably am. But I’m hoping your mum will find me somewhere else to sleep. This sleepover…’ He cleared his throat. ‘How would you feel if I did it quite often?’

‘How often?’

‘How would you feel about every night?’

‘Wow.’ Archie stared at Kat. ‘Every night?’

Her heart jumped into her mouth as she looked at her son. ‘How would you feel about that, Archie?’ Her voice was soft. ‘Josh wants to marry us.’

‘Us?’ Archie pulled a face. ‘Yuck. Do I have to wear a dress and stuff like the girls in school? They’re always trying to play weddings and it’s just gross.’

Josh laughed. ‘You don’t have to wear a dress. And I’m not marrying you exactly, I’m marrying your mum. Or I’m hoping to. It’s just that you come as a pair, so she wants to know that you’re all right with the idea before she says yes.’ His eyes rested on Kat for a moment. ‘And I’m really hoping she’s going to say yes.’

‘You want to marry my mum?’ Archie looked uncertain. ‘But that would make you my dad.’

Josh took a deep breath. ‘That’s right.’

‘Would you teach me to do knots? Mum’s hopeless at knots.’

Kat gasped. ‘Archie!’

He was still looking at Josh. ‘Would you?’

Josh nodded, his face serious. ‘I’d like that. And you could help me do up the boat.’

Archie thought hard and then nodded. ‘Sounds cool.’ He frowned. ‘Would you make me eat broccoli?’

Josh rubbed a hand over the back of his neck and thought hard. ‘Well…’ He looked at Kat for inspiration. ‘It’s certainly important to eat vegetables…’

‘I like carrots.’

‘Well, that’s fine, then.’ Josh gave a shrug, man to man. ‘So, what’s the problem?’

A smile spread across Archie’s face. ‘No problem. You can marry us. Can’t he, Mum?’

Kat swallowed back the lump in her throat. ‘I suppose he can.’ Her voice cracked. ‘If he really wants to.’

Josh rose to his feet and scooped Archie into his arms. ‘Oh, I really want to.’ He leaned forward to kiss her gently, her son held securely in his arms. ‘I really, really want to.’

* * * * *

From the moment they met, fighting together to save two young lives, Dr. Ally McGuire and Dr. Sean Nicholson were and explosive team! Sean was keen to follow his up out of surgery hours, but while he didn’t want commitment of any kind, Ally knew she could never settle for a brief affair. Neither was prepared to risk falling in love…until, after one unexpected night of passion, Ally became pregnant…

Worth the Risk

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance