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‘The baby does seem slightly smaller than we would like,’ he said gently, talking directly to Kelly. ‘Ideally I’d like to get you to come to the hospital for a series of scans. Nothing scary. We just slide a clever device that’s basically a camera over your stomach and we’re able to measure the size of the baby’s head. That gives us an indication of what size the baby should be, and we can then take a look at the rest of him.’

Kelly glanced at Mike, who shook his head.

‘She’s not going to hospital.’

Carlo frowned. ‘But—’

‘That’s fine,’ Zan interrupted quickly, shooting Carlo a warning look. ‘But if you change your mind then come and see us any time. I brought you some clothes, Kelly.’

She delved into the bin bag again and pulled out another bag full of tiny baby clothes, vests and a gorgeous blanket.

Carlo’s eyes narrowed.

If those clothes were second-hand then he was an Englishman.

Kelly gave a gasp and her face suddenly shone like the sun coming out from behind a cloud.

‘Someone was giving this away?’ She fingered one of the outfits in disbelief and Zan smiled.

‘They were no use to her.’

Oh, sure.

‘But they’re like new.’ Kelly looked at Mike, her expression pleading. ‘Can I keep them—please?’

Carlo found himself holding his breath and finally Mike nodded. ‘I suppose so,’ he muttered.

‘Oh, and I’ve had a word with the council,’ Zan said casually, ‘and they’re trying to rehouse you in a flat on the first floor.’

Kelly looked at her with hope in her eyes. ‘Really?’ Her slim shoulders sagged slightly. ‘I just can’t let myself get excited in case it doesn’t happen.’

‘It will happen, Kelly,’ Zan said firmly. ‘There’s no way you can stay here. The weather is getting colder, the flat is damp and there’s fourteen flights of stairs between you and the ground floor. How are you going to manage that with a baby when the lift’s out of order? I’ve been talking to Social Services about rehousing you and they’re doing their best.’

Carlo listened to her and wondered if the couple had any idea how lucky they were to have Zan to fight their corner.

‘She can take the tablets, but she ain’t coming to hospital for that scan thing,’ Mike said, and Zan looked him in the eye.

‘The baby isn’t big enough, Mike. We really need to—’

‘Get out!’

Kelly flinched and shrank back into her chair.

Carlo’s eyes narrowed slightly and he drew himself up to his full height, preparing himself for trouble.

‘We’re leaving,’ Zan said calmly, smiling at Mike as though he hadn’t just yelled at her in the rudest way possible. ‘We’ll talk about it again next time.’

‘She ain’t going to the hospital and that’s final.’

Zan stood up. ‘That’s fine, Mike.’ She turned to look at Kelly, her gaze direct. ‘Any problems, call me.’

With that she looked meaningfully at Carlo and walked out of the flat with him following close behind.


‘DOES he hit her?’ Carlo followed her down the dark staircase and back onto the streets.

‘I don’t think so.’ Zan turned sharp left and then right down a wide road that stretched along the river. ‘I think he’s just very controlling.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance