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Zan glanced at Kelly but she just stared at the floor, her face white with pain, her long hair straggly as it hung past her thin shoulders.

For a wild moment Zan wondered whether she could floor Mike and drag Kelly bodily to hospital.

But that wasn’t an option, of course.

She was just going to have to do the best she could in the circumstances.

‘Just as long as you realise that this baby is going to be very small when it’s born,’ Zan told him. ‘Babies born this early often need to go to our intensive care unit to help them breathe.’

Kelly gave a little sob and bent double as another pain hit her.

Zan talked to her quietly, reminding her how to breathe, almost wishing that Kelly had bonded with another midwife.

Why her?

Kelly gave a sharp scream and even though the room was freezing Zan felt sweat break out on her forehead.

‘Try and remember your breathing, Kelly,’ she murmured gently, rubbing the other girl’s back, horrified by how thin she was.

‘I want to push,’ Kelly sobbed, and Zan examined her again to check that her cervix was fully dilated.

‘You’re right,’ she said finally, ‘you are ready to push. Let’s get you into a better position.’

She glanced at Mike, but before she could speak there was a loud knocking at the door.

Mike glared at her threateningly. ‘Did you call someone?’

‘You’ve been in the room with me the whole time,’ Zan pointed out logically, ‘so you know I haven’t.’

‘Then who—?’

‘Mike, it’s Carlo Bennett.’ Carlo’s deep voice penetrated the door and Zan closed her eyes in relief.

Kim must have told him.

Mike’s mouth tightened. ‘I’ll get rid of him.’

‘No!’ Zan’s sharp tone stopped him as he strode towards the door, shoulders braced for conflict.

‘He ain’t coming near my Kelly!’

Zan took a deep breath. ‘Mike, ideally Kelly should be in hospital, but if you won’t allow that then at least let the doctor come to her. Please.’

Mike’s jaw was set. ‘No way.’

‘Mike, please.’ Kelly spoke in a quivering voice and then gave a groan as she pushed again.

Mike looked at her uncertainly. ‘No…’

‘Let him in,’ Kelly whispered, her eyes squeezed tightly shut and her hand gripping Zan’s.

Without another word Mike dragged open the door and Zan felt the tension drain out of her as she saw Carlo, broad-shouldered and powerful, standing in the doorway with an impressive array of equipment tucked under his arm.

‘Thank goodness.’ Zan shot him a look of pure relief and he gave her a reassuring smile.

‘It’ll be OK.’ He put a hand on Mike’s shoulder, ignoring the frosty look that the other man gave him. ‘Can I take a look at her?’

Mike hesitated, but then glanced at Kelly again and stood to one side.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance