Page 66 of Summer Kisses

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‘It was more than that. You didn’t want people gossiping about you. And the whispers have started all over Glenmore. Do you think I haven’t heard them? In the pub the other night, you almost cracked your glass because you were so terrified that Jim had discovered just who I’d been visiting in the dead of night. Knowing this place, people are grilling you every time you go to buy eggs or milk. Am I right?’

‘Yes, but—’

‘And you’ll hate that because you’re so shy. And I don’t want people breathing your name and mine in the same sentence.’ His knuckles whitened on the doorhandle. ‘You know what people say about me. I’m bad Conner. People expect me to go the same way my father went.’

‘I keep telling you that you are not your father.’

‘No, but you deserve to be with a man you’re not ashamed to be seen with.’

‘I’m not ashamed of what we share, Conner.’

‘Yes, you are, because you’re not the sort of woman to indulge in wild affairs, especially not with men like me. When Logan walked in and caught us kissing, you jumped like a kangaroo on a hot plate and your cheeks were the colour of strawberries.’

‘Well, of course! But that wasn’t about you, it was about me. I’m not used to…’ she shrugged self-consciously ‘…kissing and stuff in public.’

‘And you’re not going to get used to it. I have no intention of dragging your reputation down into the dirt. You have to live here after I’ve left.’ He took her face in his hands and looked at her. ‘So far the only person who knows is Logan and he won’t say anything. Our secret should be safe.’

Confused, she shook her head. ‘Is that why you’re ending it? Because of what people might think of me?’

‘Look me in the eye and tell me you haven’t spent years dreaming about finding the right man, about having babies and being a family here on Glenmore.’

Incurably truthful, Flora nodded. ‘I have imagined that, of course, but—’

‘Of course you have. And you deserve that. You’ll be a great mother.’ With a faint smile he lifted her hand to his lips in an old-fashioned gesture and then cursed softly and dragged her against him. ‘Sorry, but I think I’m going to be bad one more time.’ He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her slowly and thoroughly until her heart was hammering and her legs were weak. Then he lifted his head and smiled. ‘Now, go away and find a man who is going to make you happy.’

Without giving her a chance to reply, he turned and left the room, leaving her staring after him with a head full of questions and a heart full of misery.

* * *

‘Conner is in such a foul mood,’ Evanna murmured, tucking the baby expertly onto her shoulder and rubbing his back. ‘The rumour is that whoever he was seeing has dumped him. I told Meg that’s completely ridiculous because when in this lifetime did a woman ever dump Conner? Flora, are you listening to a word I’m saying?’

‘Yes. No.’ Flora lifted her fingers to her throbbing head. ‘Sorry—I didn’t really hear you. What did you say?’

Three days had passed since Conner had ended their relationship. Three days in which she hadn’t eaten or slept. She felt as though part of her had been ripped out.

‘I was just talking about Conner.’ Evanna frowned. ‘I can’t believe a woman has dumped him because what woman in their right mind would dump him? On the other hand, I haven’t seen any broken-hearted women around the place. Everyone is behaving as they usually behave. What’s the matter with you? Why are you rubbing your head?’

‘Bad night.’ Flora curved her mouth into something that she hoped resembled a smile. ‘Too much on my mind.’

She missed him so much.

She missed sleeping in his arms, she missed their long, intimate conversations in the darkness of the night, and she missed the way he made love.

He’d ended it because he thought she wanted to get married and have children. Or had he ended it because he was afraid that the ever-increasing rumours would hurt her? She wasn’t sure any more. She’d replayed their last conversation in her head so many times that she felt as though her brain had turned into spaghetti.

Evanna looked guilty. ‘It’s our fault. Logan and I are so wrapped up in little Charlie and you and Conner are working so hard covering for the pair of us. How has he been with you? Moody?’

‘I don’t see that much of him. We do our own clinics.’ Flora stood up quickly. ‘Great to see you and Charlie looks great, too, and—’

‘Flora…’ Evanna peered closely at her. ‘What is the matter with you? You’re behaving very oddly. Is it the baby?’ Her voice softened. ‘Has it made you all broody? I know how much you want your own family and it will happen. One day you’re going to meet the man of your dreams and have a family of your own.’

‘Yes.’ Flora felt as though her face was going to crack. ‘Absolutely.’ And she realised that her dream didn’t seem so clear any more.

What she wanted was to be with Conner.

And if he didn’t want to get married or have a family—well, she’d live with that.

But he didn’t want her, did he?

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance