Page 57 of Summer Kisses

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to the mainland.’ Logan raised his glass to his wife. ‘That baby is going to come any time now.’

‘No hurry.’ Evanna glanced at Flora. ‘Are you going to manage?’

‘Of course.’

‘Hey, Conner.’ Jim wandered over to their table and slapped Conner on the shoulders. ‘How are you doing?’

Flora studied her grapefruit juice intently, careful not to look at Conner.

‘I’m good, Jim.’ Conner leaned back in his chair and stretched his legs out under the table. ‘And you?’

‘Bit tired.’ Jim winked at him. ‘Woken up by that bike of yours at three in the morning every night this week. Thought to myself, Young Conner’s been out on the hunt.’

Flora felt her face flame, but Conner simply stifled a yawn, apparently unflustered. ‘Just relieving the boredom of being stuck on Glenmore, Jim. Do you blame me?’

‘No, but I envy you.’ Jim gave a delighted laugh. ‘Go on, lad. Tell us the name of the lucky girl. Knowing you, it’s someone different from the girl you were hiding in the waves the night we saw you on the beach.’

‘Of course. That was weeks ago and I’m not into long relationships.’ Conner didn’t falter but Flora’s breathing stopped and inside she suffered an agony of embarrassment.

People were talking. Of course they were. How could she have imagined otherwise?

How long would it take for people to put two and two together?

And how would she cope with being on the receiving end of everyone’s nudges and winks?

This time she’d be the one that everyone was talking about when they bought their apples in the greengrocer on the quay. She’d be the subject of speculative glances when she took her books back to the library.

Flora tightened her fingers round her glass and tried to breathe steadily and slow her heart rate, but inside she was shrinking because she knew only too well what they’d all be saying.

That Conner MacNeil had seduced her and that it wouldn’t last five minutes.

She took a large slug of her drink and then realised that Conner was looking at her, his gaze curiously intent. Unable to look away, she slowly put her glass down on the table.

He gave a faint smile and something in that smile worried her. He looked…resigned? Tired?

She looked away quickly, telling herself that she was reading something into nothing. Of course he was tired. They were both tired. Neither of them slept much any more. Because they weren’t able to conduct their relationship in daylight, they’d become nocturnal.

‘I’m going to have to make a move.’ Evanna rose to her feet with difficulty, a hand on her back. ‘I never realised how uncomfortable these chairs are.’

Conner drained his glass. ‘I don’t suppose any chair is comfortable when you’re carrying an elephant around in your stomach.’

Evanna laughed good-naturedly and Flora reached for her bag, grateful for the change of subject.

Jim was back with the lads, laughing about something that had happened to the lifeboat crew, and Conner was listening to Logan talking about his plans to extend the surgery.

For now, at least, it appeared that their secret was still safe. Although how long it would take for the locals to realise that she was the girl that Conner was seeing was anyone’s guess.

And then what would happen?

* * *

Restless and angry with himself, Conner paced the length of his consulting room and back again.

Why had he ever let things go this far?

Buzzing for his first patient, he decided that he had to do something about the situation. Fast. Before it exploded in his face.

‘Dr MacNeil?’ Ann Carne stood in the doorway and Conner gave a reluctant laugh.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance