Page 54 of The Vasquez Baby

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Faith curled up on the bed, butterflies in her stomach as she watched him. He was so confident and handsome, so utterly sure of himself, how could any woman ever resist him? Looking at him now, she wasn’t surprised that she’d made the decision that she had. ‘I don’t regret anything, Raul.’

‘I’m taking you somewhere really special. You deserve it.’

‘When will we go?’

‘How soon can you dress?’ Raul’s glance was faintly mocking. ‘My pilot is waiting for us.’

Faith gasped and slipped out of bed. ‘Right now?’

‘Of course. Why not?’

His response made her smile. With Raul everything had to be right now. His capacity for waiting for anything was severely limited. ‘I can be dressed in two minutes,’ she assured him, reaching into her wardrobe for something comfortable to wear. ‘But I need to pack.’

‘That’s all been dealt with.’ Raul flipped his phone out of his pocket and spoke briefly to his pilot. ‘Just bring yourself.’

Faith selected a pair of shoes from the dozens of pairs he’d given her. ‘But where exactly are we going?’

‘We’re going to play tourist.’ Taking her hand in a firm grasp, he led her out of the Beach House towards the helipad that was positioned just behind the polo fields.

‘But everything will be booked up at this short notice.’

Urging her into the helicopter that bore the logo of his company, he greeted that comment with a glance of shimmering amusement. ‘Then my staff will just have to unbook it.’

And no doubt some ordinary mortal was about to be booted out of the room they’d booked months ago, Faith thought weakly as she sank into her seat and ruefully contemplated the benefits of being in love with a sexy billionaire. His money wasn’t what had attracted her, but she was intelligent enough to recognise that the aspects of his character that she found so compelling were the same qualities that drove his success. His astonishingly quick brain, his confidence, his insight and his hard, ruthless ability to outsmart the competition—all those things made him the man he was.

And she loved him.

Her heart skipped and danced as he sprawled in the seat next to her and took her hand in his.

‘My private jet is waiting for us at the airport.’ He stretched out his legs. ‘Get some rest, cariño, you’re going to need it.’

He took her to Iguazú Falls, on the border with Brazil, and she gazed in disbelief at the hundreds of cascades that stretched before her in a horseshoe shape.

‘I’ve only ever seen one waterfall at a time before,’ she said faintly and Raul settled himself behind her and pulled her against his hard body.

‘There are about two hundred and seventy-five different cascades,’ he murmured in her ear. ‘We share the falls with Brazil but two thirds are on the Argentine side.’

She could hear the pride in his voice and Faith laughed and twisted round so that she could look at him. ‘You always have to be the biggest and the best, don’t you?’

His answer was to kiss her and it was another few minutes before she was able to turn her attention back to the view.

For a moment she just watched, mesmerised by the sheer volume of water that thundered over the precipitous edge of the rocky plateau and plunged into the river below, causing huge clouds of spray.

‘It’s amazing. Breathtaking.’ The falls seemed to glow in the light and she felt Raul’s arms tighten around her.

‘Garganta del Diablo,’ he murmured against her cheek. ‘We call it the Devil’s Throat. It is the largest cascade. I have arranged for a boat to take us up the Iguazú River tomorrow. You will love it.’

And she did.

It seemed that everything had been planned for her enjoyment and she felt as though she spent the entire time staring in wonder. And even in their suite in the hotel, she couldn’t prise herself away from the balcony.

‘I feel as though I have competition,’ Raul drawled finally, hauling her back inside the suite and closing the door firmly. ‘You’re supposed to be looking at me, not the view.’

And the truth was, she couldn’t stop looking at him. They ate dinner on their private terrace, away from other people and the sheer intimacy of their situation made the nerves jump in her stomach.

‘Did you travel as a child?’ He waited for the food to be served and dismissed the staff with a single movement of his arrogant dark head. ‘Where did you go??


Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance