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“None of it is,” she whispered fiercely, leaning up so that he was staring straight down into her impassioned eyes. Right now they’d be blazing blue, the color of a summer sky, the sizzling center of a flame. “I don’t have a choice about wanting you. It’s like breathing. I open my eyes, I want you. While I make faces at the flaxseed oatmeal I eat for breakfast, I want you. I put my head down on my pillow at night and I want—”

He crushed his mouth to hers, stealing the rest of the sentence, her breath and the moan that followed. She seized his shoulders, dragging him down so that they could feed on each other properly. Like unchained beasts who didn’t care where they were or who could see.

No one else existed.

He bit her lower lip, hard, then harder still, plunging his tongue inside to do battle with hers. She clung to him, swaying against his chest, meeting him stroke for stroke. And when he picked her up and turned to practically sling her over the hood of her car, she held on and pulled him down too.

Sliding his arms under her, he cushioned her head in his palm and used the new angle to dive that much farther into the heated recesses of her mouth. She tasted of brandy and he remembered her flask and the hit she always took before her shows. He sucked on her tongue, his eyes flickering open and lasering in on hers. So dark and deep. She watched him watch her and feathered her fingers through his hair, scraping her nails lightly down the back of his neck. Urging him to deepen the kiss. He obliged her, wedging their bodies together while he consumed her one slow lick at a time.

Distant laughter traveled on the night air and a hint of cigarette smoke from outside the club layered under the arousing apple scent that clung to her hair. She clutched him so desperately he figured she was still riding her post-show adrenaline buzz. He’d happily help her burn off all of her excess energy.

“I’m going to get drunk on you tonight,” he breathed, razing his teeth over the tip of her tongue while she wriggled beneath him, her body hot and soft in contrast to the hard hood of the car.

“Yes.” Just that

one word fired his blood. “God, yes.”

He wasn’t even fully conscious of sliding his hand up her bare thigh to the soaked strip between her legs. Pushing it aside, he slipped in a finger, then two when she panted for more. He rolled them over her swollen and wet flesh, easing in only to rock back out and complete the circuit again. She clenched around him, saturating him in her excitement. Making it his as well. She arched and wrapped her leg around his hip, meeting each of his strokes. Her desperation to come made him rougher than he’d intended, and soon he was rotating his fingers inside her, grinding his palm against her clit on every downward slide.

As she reared back, her head bumped the windshield, but even the certain pain didn’t still the manic thrusts of her hips. As she was about to come, he pulled out of her already rippling pussy and went to work on his jeans with wet, clumsy fingers.

“Not again,” she gasped, and even in the midst of his agony, he laughed hard enough to screw up his aim. Easy enough to undo a zipper, but not when his hand was shaking. She laughed too, rubbing the heel of her foot over his ass and lifting up so that the blessedly well-placed moonlight caressed the dark slit between her thighs. Then he was on her again, dick in one hand, condom in the other, incapable of pulling away long enough to get the task accomplished.

Luckily she took pity on him and helped him out, because the second she’d tugged the latex over his painfully hard length, he removed her panties, spread her thighs and cupped her mound. Her slick heat dampened his palm. “You good?” he gritted out, hoping she got his meaning. Because if she didn’t, he’d drop down and finish her off this way. Easier than trying to speak through the need closing off his throat.

She leaned up on an elbow and blew a curl out of her eyes. “You asking if my pussy’s wet enough for you, Dixon?” Her breath hitched after saying pussy, a telling sign of nerves. It only made him want her more. “Try it and see.”


“God, fuck me already. If I scream, you’ll know you did it right.”

Chuckling, he lifted her hips and surged inside. “Oh fucking Jesus. Thank you.”

She giggled and tossed back her head again, letting out a combination moan and laugh when she hit the glass once more.

He shifted over her, pulling her toward the part of the hood most in shadow. This far away from the club, their only company was the wind whispering through trees hanging on to the last of their leaves and their own unsteady breaths. He shoved his jeans down so he could move more freely and hooked her legs around his hips. Wrapping himself up tight in her as he’d imagined.

It wasn’t close enough. Nothing would be. She must’ve agreed, since she sat up and dug her nails into his ass, hauling him even deeper into her slick center. Curses and praise flew from his mouth, along with her name. Especially her name.

“Summer, baby.”

“Chase.” She gripped his ass, gyrating against him in the perfect rhythm. Making him work for the orgasm that already shimmered just out of reach. “We’re outside.”

His regret at taking her in her dressing room surfaced again, even more insistent than before. Doing it outdoors in a parking lot was ten times worse. And ten times better.

He slid home all the way, absorbing every bit of how it felt to have her snug, swollen walls clasping his cock. A swivel of his hips and she tilted back her head, offering him the perfect spot to suck and bite beneath her ear.

“You are.” His teeth dragged over the cords of her neck. “I’m inside. So far inside you that I don’t…” He took a breath, tried again. “Don’t give a shit where I am. I’m in you.”

“Yes.” Her gasping moan prodded him to drive harder, faster, until she fell back on her elbows on her car. Her classic car. If there were dings, he’d hammer them out. He’d do whatever it took to fix it, as long as he got to come inside her. To taste the moans on her lips while she came too.

His injury tried to intrude, a sharp pulse of pain stealing his attention for a fraction of an instant. He fought back, altering his arm’s position, increasing his grip instead of lessening it. No way was he letting go.

Reading him well, she briefly took control, pistoning her hips so perfectly that he could only savor the bliss. She knew what she wanted and she took it again and again, bringing herself to a swift orgasm that created waves of pleasure around his cock. He reached down and found her clit, prolonging her ecstasy—and his—as long as she could stand. Shuddering, crying out, she slanted her lips over his and offered her surrender.

He took every bit of it like the greedy bastard he was.

Eventually she went limp underneath him, her hair a dark tangle over her pale cheeks, her eyes as vast as the solar system above. Trapped in her gaze, he drove himself to the finish. He bit her shoulder to keep from howling like a damn wolf, but he couldn’t smother the sounds of his need. His body wrenched and heaved, his muscles locking until he’d spent himself dry and could only manage uneven breaths against her cheek.

Tags: Cari Quinn Romance