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“I take that back. I think your guy’s here.” A soft chuckle ruffled her hair. “Either that or I’m getting a death stare from some random stranger.”

Her heart leapt against her breastbone. She almost imagined she could smell his crisp aftershave over the mix of leather, smoke and sweat that filled the room. But she didn’t look. That was part of the thrill.

“Describe him,” she murmured, hoping Paul heard her.

“Hard to see details, but he’s clean-cut. Well-dressed. Doesn’t look like he belongs here. He’s watching you.”

Her pulse spiked. “Keep dancing.”

“As you wish.”

Paul cupped her hips to guide their rhythm and she let herself go, let her body move with his while her mind and heart were with Spencer. Somehow it shouldn’t be right to use Paul’s desire to increase her ultimate pleasure, but it felt good. Knowing other women wanted Spencer and him knowing the reverse was also true made everything between them that much more combustible.

“He’s still watching,” Paul said as she gripped his thigh.


She let her head drop back against Paul’s chest—bonus for her that he was so tall—and slowly opened her eyes. Her gaze went right to the man dominating her thoughts. He leaned against the wall, his hair haloed from the glow of the sconce just behind him. His face was mostly cast in shadows that defined the hollows in his cheeks and the granite-hard set of his jaw. Tonight he wore head-to-toe black, and when he pushed off the wall to advance toward her, prowl was the word that came to mind.

Her clit throbbed. She wanted his mouth there, tugging on her swollen flesh as he’d savored her nipples last night. One flick of his tongue against her pussy and she’d go off, showering his chin with her release.

Paul rubbed against her, his movements decidedly sexual even as Spencer approached. The delicious darkness in the curl of his lips didn’t frighten her or make her want to ask Paul to stop.

He stopped in front of them but he didn’t speak. Nor did he touch her. She didn’t feel in control of what was happening any longer but her helplessness only increased her excitement. As she and Paul continued to dance, Spencer’s gaze slammed against hers, his face brutally clear even in the smoky atmosphere of the club. The heat contained in that single look set off a series of mini-explosions in her body. Her breath quickened and her skin prickled as if she’d been out in the sun too long. Still he stared, deep inside her to where she quivered and waited for him to make a move.

And then she shocked herself by making that move instead.

She gripped the hem of her dress, hiking it up her thigh. His urgent, seeking gaze dropped to the vee of her legs. Never before had she been consumed by a glance. Swallowed whole without even a single fingertip on her body to stem the overwhelming ache. Her hands shook as she fought with the material, unable to bare herself fast enough. A moan broke from her when the sultry breeze from the bodies swaying around them hit the damp material of her thong. God, she was burning up. Burning alive, trapped by her own longing.

Paul’s cock brushed her ass as he moved against her, his hands still on her hips, his fingers so close to where she so desperately needed to be filled. But he didn’t do the honors. All three of them knew who she wanted there.

Everything was so loud all of a sudden. The reggae music. The voices, the laughter. Her heartbeat a muted roar in her ears.

Kelly wrenched aside the soaked strip binding her last vestige of control and gasped as air wafted over her dripping slit. She’d never needed so violently in her life. But he wouldn’t give her anything she hadn’t pleaded for first.

“Kiss me,” she begged, her voice a guttural cry barely loud enough for him to hear.

Kiss me? What the hell? If he went for her mouth, she’d freaking die.

Spencer batted her hand away, splaying his much larger one low on her belly in a primitive caress. Beneath the heat of his palm, everything inside her clenched, waiting. Either her panties melted off her body or he ripped them away because the next thing she knew they were gone.

He kneeled before her, gold hair shining, dark eyes pulling her down so far, so fast, she didn’t even know she’d fallen. Just before his mouth touched her, his hand flexed, fingers widening until it seemed as if he was everywhere at once. Inside her and out. Branding her so she’d never feel quite the same way for anyone else, ever again.

She saw his nostrils flare an instant before the light changed and again plunged him into shadow. Rivulets of need soaked her inner thighs. Could he smell how much she wanted him? Then his tongue pierced her, his fingers spreading her open for his invasion, and she didn’t care about anything but taking him as far inside she could.

Lost in sensation, Kelly threaded her fingers through his cornsilk hair. He was her tether to earth, her anchor when she wanted only to fly apart. His movements were both quick and slow, his rhythm impossible to learn. He sped up and her orgasm neared, slowed down and the scorching fire in her veins banked until he turned up the heat again.

Firm hands massaged her upper arms in time with the subtle pumps of Paul’s hips against her ass. Her head lowered to his shoulder. If she hadn’t had the support of his rigid body behind her, she would’ve sunk to the floor.

Her throat constricted as the intensity between her legs built, decimating the last of her inhibitions. She didn’t know what was going to happen. She wasn’t even sure which ma

n she’d be going home with that night. She wanted it to be Spencer. Prayed it would be. But there were no certainties and no safety clauses. There was only anticipation and urgency.

That would have to be enough.

Spencer’s thumbs rode up and down her swollen seam and her breath tripped in concert with her racing heart. Then his mouth covered her again and he ravaged her with lips, tongue and teeth, applying the same ultra-focus he applied to work to her trembling body.

Now he was paying attention. There was no way he could make love to her like this and not know whose taste was trickling down his throat. She was the center of his universe, the only thing he could think about. If only for just this instant, she was to him what he’d been to her for so long.

Tags: Cari Quinn Unveiled Erotic