Page 36 of Bulletproof Weeks

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“Or something.”

She squinted at her. “Vague is not going to work this time, missy.”

Bella laughed and covered her hand. “I missed you.”

“Ditto. Now spill.”

“Remember that day at the fair. The woman that we both wanted to bitch slap?”

“Yeah, that famous hotel mogul chick that needs to burn in hell. Like I could forget?”

They’d done extensive research on the woman. There may have been a voodoo doll involved during some of the late nights of wine consumption.

“Well, evidently not only is she an ex-girlfriend, but she’s a crazy ex.”

Nic leaned forward. “How crazy?”


“Oh, shit. Really? Why didn’t he tell you that the first time?”

“He’s dumb.”

She snorted out a laugh as Dee came up with a plate of fries drenched in gravy and two mugs in her other hand.

“Here you go, girls.”

“Goddess,” Nic whispered as she cupped her hands around the fat mug.

“Anything else I can get you?”

Bella shook her head. “Thanks, Dee.” She waited for her to go back to the front counter before she spoke again. The information wasn’t exactly up for public debate. And in a town like Winchester Falls, it would twist and turn into something only resembling part of the truth.

They had about twenty minutes before the Early Bird Special rush started.

Bella swiped a fry through the gravy and popped it in her mouth.

“He’s not dumb or you wouldn’t give him the time of day, let alone a second chance.”

“No, of course I wouldn’t.” Bella tapped the side of the plate and selected another fry. “Actually, it’s more like she’s a little unhinged.”

“I believe that’s the definition of crazy ex.”

“This is between us.”

“And Adam.”

Bella rolled her eyes. “Married rules, yes.”

“Okay, okay. Spill it.”

“She threatened to hurt me.”


She shot a look over her shoulder at Dee who gave them a head tilt. “That is not being cool and calm, Nic.”

“You said I had to keep it to myself. I don’t believe there was anything there about me not flipping out.”

Tags: Cari Quinn Romance