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“Paisley,” he says in his dad voice. “I’ve watched that replay more times than I care to admit. I know what I saw.”

“You may need to have your eyesight checked, old man,” I tease in an attempt to lighten the mood.

“Who are you calling old man?” He chuckles.

“I mean, if the shoe fits,” I taunt.

He brings me back to his chest, and his lips once again press against the top of my head. “I love you, Paisley. If anything were to ever happen to you, I don’t know what I would do with myself. I just want you safe.”

“I know that. I’m a big girl, and regardless of what you might think, I don’t just randomly hook up with strangers. The kiss with Cameron was for the kiss cam. Yes, maybe we let it get a little out of hand, but I promise you it was an isolated event.” I pause, collecting my thoughts. “You’ve set the bar high, Dad. I’ve watched you love Mom, Parker, Peyton, and me, and I won’t settle for a man who won’t love me the same way.”

“There’s my girl,” he says approvingly. “Now, we better get in there before your mom comes out and yells at us for missing dinner.”

Together, we stand from the swing. Dad tugs me into a tight hug. “I love you, princess.”

“I love you too, Daddy.”

“You barely made it,” Parker, my middle sister, says when we walk into the kitchen. “Mom was ready to come and save you and then gripe at you for letting dinner get cold.”

“Duchess, you let me worry about your mom.” Dad winks at Parker, making her stick her tongue out at him.

“You do know that you two are nauseating, right? I mean, none of my friends’ parents carry on like you two,” Parker tells him.

Dad shrugs. “Sorry, kiddo. I love your mother, and I’m going to make sure I show her that every single day. You should remember that,” he says, tapping the tip of her nose with his index finger.

I lean into Dad and whisper, “Like I said, you set the bar high.”

“Are you two good?” Mom asks.

“Yes,” Dad and I reply at the same time.

“Good. Let’s eat.”

We all grab a plate and fill it before going to the dining room to sit. I sigh in relief as I dig into my mashed potatoes. I was expecting this night to go much differently.

“So, Paisley,” Mom says.


“Good choice.” She winks at me.

“Good choice of what?”


“He’s hot!” Parker blurts.

“Lord, help me.” Dad laughs and shoves a huge bite of roll into his mouth. He’s definitely outnumbered with four women in his life, but I know he wouldn’t want it any other way.

The rest of the night is like any other night at the house I grew up in. It’s full of laughter and love. I meant what I told my dad. Watching the way he loves my mom, I want what they have. I want a man who has to kiss me as soon as he walks in the door from a long day because he’s missed me so much he can’t think of anything else. I want a man who will run to the store for tampons and chocolate for his wife or daughters and not blink an eye. I want a man who wants to be my partner and stand beside me in life. I might have let my hormones get the best of me at the game, but it was just a kiss. I’m far more selective when it comes to men and intimacy.

Cameron was a fun experience, but I doubt I’ll ever see him again. There’s a nagging in the back of my mind that tells me I’m lying to myself. I know there is a chance, but I can keep it professional. It was one ball game. It was one kiss. Besides, I need to focus on my career. Uncle Drew gave me a shot as the new athletic trainer for the Blaze, and I don’t want to let him down. He claims I earned the position, that he just signed off on it, but I’m not naïve enough to think that my dad being Easton Monroe and Drew being my honorary uncle didn’t influence that position in some way.

It’s my time to prove myself. I have plenty of time to fall in love.

Chapter 4


Tags: Kaylee Ryan Out of Reach Romance