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“Yeah. Stephanie, and the salon was called Serenity Salon and Spa.”

“Got it.” Yuma pulls up photos of the stylists to confirm she’s looking into the right one. “My mom is currently dating a cop who runs background checks for us. I’ll pass this along. It might take a day or two, though. Running background checks like this is illegal. He helps us because we helped him with a stowaway kappa that snuck on our flight back from Japan after visiting my grandparents.” She raises her eyebrows. “That was a fun flight.”

I remember reading about kappas in the demon dictionary, as I endearingly call the book about demons Aunt Estelle gave me when I was only a teenager. Kappas pull their victims underwater and consume them as they’re drowning.

“I remember that,” Sam says with a laugh. “I was email updates from you.” Her eyes light up when she looks at Yuma. Speaking of needing to open up and admit how you feel… Nope. It’s none of my business.

“Thank you,” I say again. “Really, I appreciate this.”

“It’s what we do,” Yuma offers.

“How long can you stay?” Having the house to ourselves is nice. We don’t have guests that often though, and I know Ethan would like a bit more time to spend with his sister—without bickering.

“I need to check in with Order headquarters,” Sam says and Yuma rolls her eyes without Sam seeing.

“And that’s in Chicago?”

“Yeah. And where I go from there…” She shrugs. “I’m guessing I’ll be sent back to New York.”

“Or you could come down south with me,” Yuma suggests. “It’s cold as fuck in New York. Here too.”

“Is that where you’re from?” I take a drink of coffee.

“I’m not really from anywhere in particular,” she tells me. “Though my mom learned a while ago it’s much more manageable to hunt demons when you’re not wearing a million layers. She’s got a rich friend in Florida we stay with and you know those Florida man memes? Same can be said with Florida monster.”

I laugh but can’t quite wrap my head around why anyone would want to live that way. Traveling from place to place, following leads and looking for monsters or demons…it would be so lonely. No wonder Sam and Ethan have issues.

After finishing my coffee, I go upstairs and take a shower. Ethan is dressed for the gym, and head out after giving me a kiss. I lay in bed after my shower, eyelids heavy. Hunter is with me, promising to stay by my side in case I wake up unable to move again.

I’m just starting to drift off when my phone chimes with a text. Thinking it’s Ethan, I lazily reach over and grab it off my nightstand. But it’s not Ethan.

It’s Rene.


Suddenly wide awake, I sit up and open her text. My phone takes a few seconds to load, going slow since I have a million photos and videos of the horses and donkeys, and my heart starts to speed up as I think of everything Rene could have said.

Rene: Hey

Really? That’s all I have to work with? I lay back down, staring at the screen. Little bubbles pop up, showing that she’s typing.

Rene: Sorry I freaked and flaked yesterday…want to meet for dinner tonight or tomorrow?

Me: You don’t have to be sorry. And yes, I’d love to! Ethan’s sister is leaving sometime today. I’ll find out when and will let you know.

Rene: Sounds good. I might have a million questions for you.

Me: That’s fair. I did too when I was in your shoes and seeing something like that for the first time.

I bite my lip, not wanting to say too much and make her get cold feet about meeting.

Rene: Now I’m even more intrigued. Let me know about dinner.

Me: I will!

Letting the phone drop onto the mattress, I close my eyes but can’t shut my brain off. Is it okay to tell Rene everything? I don’t think I can mention the Order, right? But I can say Ethan is a demon hunter. Nearly half an hour later, I finally fall asleep. Hunter rests his head on my chest, and I bury my fingers in his thick fur. Thankfully, I don’t have a nightmare or wake up frozen against the mattress.

When I do wake two hours later, I’m still dead tired and I know I can either force myself up and get on with the day or fall back asleep for probably the rest of the morning as well as the afternoon. Sam and Yuma won’t be here much longer, so I drag my butt out of bed, feeling a little more awake when I get downstairs.

Everyone is in the library and a fire is going. The air is light, and the tension has left Ethan’s face.

“Feel better?” Ethan asks, reaching out for me.

“Much,” I say and sit on his lap. “Rene texted me. She wants to meet for dinner either tonight or tomorrow.”

Tags: Emily Goodwin Grim Gate Paranormal