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I’d sound crazy for sure. And if she isn’t a witch? Then I’d sound even crazier.

The cold air makes me shiver, and I hurry to get inside the restaurant, getting a table for two. I do my best not to worry about getting stood-up, and feel a huge sense of relief when Rene comes in a few minutes later.

“Hey, girl!” She smiles broadly and sits down, blowing her hair out of her face. “Sorry I’m late. I’m late for pretty much everything, though. I don’t manage my time well.”

“I’m not the best at it either,” I admit. “I can lose track of time so easily when I’m out with my horses or reading.”

“I miss being in a barn around horses! It’s so easy to lose track of everything there.”

“It really is.” We talk about horses and riding until it’s time to put in our drink orders. We both get margaritas.

“Has your store been busy?” I ask Rene.

“Not crazy busy. We always get a lull after the holidays. Though, after the holiday rush, it’s almost welcome.” She looks at me for a moment before going on. “What do you do? If you told me before and I forgot, sorry. My ADHD makes it really easy for me to forget details.”

“You didn’t forget. I, um, I don’t have a job right now.” Unless you count studying magic and training to fight demons a job.

“Oh, lucky. Maybe? Sorry if you lost your job or something.”

“I was a vet tech when I lived in New York but quit when I moved. And I, uh, haven’t gotten another job since.”

“Okay, so you are lucky. You got a sugar daddy.”

I laugh. “Hah, right? I might apply at the vet clinic here in Thorne Hill, but my animals keep me pretty busy. We plan to get chickens and maybe even a few goats this spring.”

“You are living my dream! But they have to be those super small goats.”

“Definitely the super small ones.” Our margaritas come and we continue talking. Rene and I have a lot in common, and agree on the important things, like our stance on vampires—they shouldn’t be judged as a whole—and we both prefer the company of animals to humans.

“I gotta ask,” she starts as we get our coats on to leave after an hour-long lunch. “You and your boyfriend seemed so skeptical at the ghost hunt. Are you really a believer?”

“Trust me, we are.”

“How was lunch?” Ethan looks away from the video game he’s playing, eyes lighting up when he sees me.

“It was really nice.” I can’t say it without smiling. “Rene and I get along well. We’re a lot alike in many ways.”

“That’s good.”

I pull my phone from my purse and drop the purse to the ground. Hunter is on the couch next to Ethan, tail thumping against it as I sit in between them. I bury my fingers in his thick fur, instantly comforted by my familiar. “We made plans to hang out again on Thursday. And then we thought we should plan a double date.”

“Right, you said she has a boyfriend.”

“She doesn’t anymore, but Keith is her stand-in. And he just broke up with his boyfriend so it’ll work out. Would you mind going?” Ethan takes his eyes off the TV again. “I know it’s not really your thing, but I’m thinking it’s not your thing because it wasn’t allowed to be.”

“Pretty much. And no, I wouldn’t mind. It’ll be fun and, if not, I’ll at least get a good meal out of it.”

I laugh. “I like your attitude. Good food can make everything better.”

Ethan pauses his game and sets the controller down so he can put his arm around me. “You look happy.”

“I am. I don’t want to even say it—nope. Don’t want to jinx anything. I don’t even want to think about it.”

“In that case, should I distract you?”

“You should definitely distract me.”

Ethan raises his eyebrows and then pounces on me, burying his face against my neck. He tickles my side and I laugh, letting him pull me back with him. Hunter saunters off the couch, going upstairs to take a nap on the bed.

Raking my fingers through his hair, I resettle on Ethan’s chest, listening to his heart beating. This man brings me so much comfort just by simply being here. He moves one hand under my dress, cupping my ass. We kiss again, and Ethan’s tongue slipping past my lips is all it takes for me to come completely undone so that I’m scrambling to take his clothes off. I know people say everyone goes through a honey-moon phase when it comes to new relationships, but I can’t imagine a time, no matter how many years from now, where I’m not this desperate when it comes to Ethan’s body on mine.

Both naked, Ethan wets two fingers with his mouth and puts his hand between my legs, slowly rubbing my clit until I come, pussy spasming against his hand. He moves on top, and I reach down, guiding his cock to me. I pump my hand up and down, spreading the precum down his thick shaft, and then bring him to me. He pushes in and I buck my hips, moving along with him. We’re smashed together on the couch, and my head hits the arm as Ethan fucks me harder. My breath leaves in a huff as I get close to coming once again.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Grim Gate Paranormal