Page 70 of Holiday Sparks

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“I love you, Darcy. There’s no way I’m letting you go.” His boots hit the intricate scrollwork of her footboard and still she was too far away. He drew her forward, tracing his fingertips down the plunging back of her lingerie until he found petal-soft skin along the base of her spine. He trailed tiny circles in the hollow, smiling as she shivered.

Her Christmas-colored eyes misted with a light sheen of tears.

“I wanted to tell you right away.” He wrapped his arms around her waist until she was flush with his chest and their foreheads touched. When a single tear trailed down her cheek, he held on tighter. “I should have told you as soon as I figured it out.” He brushed his lips over the wetness, taking her salty flavor, her pain and her generosity inside. “Every day I waited felt worse than the last.”

“You didn’t think I’d understand?”

He smoothed a lock of burnished gold hair away from her face. “I was protecting my family, but you’re my family now too. At least I want you to be.”

She gripped his arms, curling her fingers into his simple white dress shirt. “I want that too. Really want that.”

He caught her lips in a soft kiss, sipping from her until the salt of her tears faded and it was only them. “That day I was going to tell you. The one day we both had off. That last time with you,” he gripped her sides, crushing her tighter to him, “I knew I loved you.” Desperate to taste her, to make sure she never went anywhere without him, he brought his hands up to cup her face. “When you trusted me even when I didn’t deserve it, I knew I had to make things right. I don’t want anything between us, Darcy. Especially lies.”

She hooked her fingers around his wrists and stretched up to kiss him. “No more lies.” She smiled.

“No more lies.” Her hair slid around his fingers as he deepened the kiss. He knelt on the bed, stretching her out under him. With quick fingers she unbuttoned his shirt and flung his tie to the floor.

He lowered his mouth, sucking a tight little nipple through silk. “Speaking of lies.”

She wrapped her leg around his hip and laughed as she arched up. “Do we have to?”

“I think someone was lying about how much she hates Christmas.”

She cupped the back of his head. “I think it might have a few perks.”

He laughed and drew on the other tip until matching dark spots clung to her like wet tissue paper. He blew lightly and laughed when her eyes flew open. “I think you secretly like Christmas.”

She scissored strong thighs around his hips. The green silk pooled around her belly. He scored his nails over her hips, finding her bare. She nipped his lower lip and released the catch of his dress pants, scraping her teeth over his neck and pushing his pants and boxers over his ass. “I think Christmas might have a lot more possibilities with you around.”

He rolled his hips into the valley of her thighs. “I told you I’d make you love Christmas.”

She laughed into his kiss. “So gosh darn cocky.”

“You said that word again.”

She curled her arms around his neck, her laughter filling the room. “Gosh, I guess I did.”

He groaned as he slid into her, the clasping perfection of her body and the love between them more than he could have ever hoped for.

Also By Taryn Quinn

Kindle Unlimited


Afternoon Delight

Dirty Distractions #1

Drawn Deep #2

Wilder Rock

Rockstar Daddy #1

Coming Soon


Tags: Taryn Quinn Romance