Page 60 of Holiday Sparks

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“On the mouth?”

Ben snorted. He liked kissing other things on Darcy, but figured it was safer to nod. “Probably.”

“I don’t know why anyone would want to swap spit. Seems gross.”

He laughed. “I’ll remind you of that when you like your first guy.”

“Oh, I already like a boy. Max. He’s really cute. But I don’t want to lock lips with him. My friend Lucy said it’s cold and wet and just,” she shook her head, “yuck.”

“I’m sure your dad will be happy to hear that you’re not interested in kissing right now.”

“Knowing Dad, he’d find Max and break him over his knee like in a wrestling move that Kane does.”

“You guys still watch that stuff?”

She shrugged. “Yeah, Dad likes it.”

Ben had never gotten into wrestling. Of course he’d been the odd man out with markers while John was taking apart everything in sight. He preferred to stay in his room and draw as a kid. Until he’d discovered girls. Then it was football, girls and the gym.

“So what do you want for lunch?”


“Girl after my own heart.” They headed to the little shop and loaded up on yeasty bread and garlicky, sauce-laden meatball grinders. Knowing Darcy and her staff, he ordered a few extras to pass out to whoever wanted to duke it out for them. With a cooler full of sodas and ream of napkins, he let Brittany entertain him on the slow ride across town.

All the schools let out at the same time so the buses congested every main road. By the time he got to Blackstone’s, his truck smelled like an Italian restaurant and his stomach was roaring.

He boxed up a half-dozen grinders and kept two out for him and his girls. They dodged customers and finally made it to the front of the store. Brit stopped so fast he almost crashed into her. The cooler top plopped to the floor. “Holy crap!”

“Cool, huh?”

“You did all this?” Her brown eyes were huge.


“Why doesn’t our house look like this?”

Ben laughed and bumped her to get moving. “Budget.”

“Yeah, this had to cost some big bucks.”

“Here, let me get that for you.” Jaime squatted in front of Brittany and scooped up the top to the cooler.

“Brit, this is Mrs. Suarez. Jaime, this is my niece, Brittany.”

Brit maneuvered the bag until it slid down to her elbow so she could shake Jaime’s hand. “Nice to meet ya.”

Jaime laughed. “Nice to meet you too, mija. What’s all this?”

“I figured you guys didn’t have time to go out and get lunch so I brought a few grinders from Lou’s.”

Jaime tugged his collar until he bent down to where she could reach him for a smacking kiss on the cheek. “I think I love you, Gigantor.”

Brit’s musical laugh echoed. “Gigantor?”

“Jaime’s a pip-squeak, of course I look huge to her.”

Jaime took the box from him. “Your uncle is bigger than most men, mija.”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Romance