Page 21 of Holiday Sparks

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“I have work.”

“No, you’re off shift. You’re mine.”

She swallowed. “Wh-what?” The way he’d said mine. Not right in any way.

His grin spread into a smile. Just how flame red were her cheeks? “Your Miriam Blackstone came over. She told me that after three you were all mine for the day. She wants this tree beyond perfection.”

Of course that’s what he meant. She’d gotten the same orders, but she assumed that just meant she would be required to be in the store. Not helping him. “You don’t really want my help, do you?”

He crawled forward, caught her hands and dragged her across the slick floor until their knees touched. “I really do.”

She ducked her head and pushed a branch away. Dust bunnies and pine needles scattered around her. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

He patted the spot beside him. “The little throwback from Valley Girl is a little too much to take. If she asks me one more question I’m going to strangle her with the pink stripe in her hair.”

Darcy giggled, stifling it as soon as she started, but it was too late.

“What? Do I speak the truth or not?”

The laugh broke free. “Yes. Gosh, yes.” She leaned against the wall. It was cozy and out of the way and so much cooler. A sweater had not been the way to go today. Of course if she’d known she’d be working a twenty-four-hour shift she would have dressed differently.

PJ’s perhaps?

What did it matter, she was a wreck already. She slid down the wall until her knees were higher than her eyes. “I’m just going to take a nap. Can you wake me when it’s over?”

“If you sleep like that you’ll be in traction. I’m good at a back massage, but not that good.”


ou gotta stop saying stuff like that,” she said on a groan. Then wanted to curl into a ball. Outside voice—that had definitely been her outside voice.


“Because.” She struggled to sit up. “Because, heck. I don’t know why.”

“Are you seeing someone?” His gaze dropped to her mouth then lifted to her eyes. “Not into guys?”

She laughed. “I’m into guys.”

“I’m too tall?”

She laughed again. He was far too charming. “That’s just mean. Do you know how often I meet a guy that’s taller than me?”

“Do you know how often I meet a woman I don’t have to crick my neck to kiss?”

Her palms tingled again, right up to the tips of her fingers. “You want to kiss me?”

He set the board and the soldering tool aside and spun around until he was facing her. His knee pressed into her thigh as he gripped his crisscrossed ankles. “Oh yeah.”


“Definitely now.”

What if someone saw them? The tree wasn’t that big, was it? “I taste like garlic,” she blurted.

He leaned closer. “I love garlic.”

The pads of her fingertips flattened into the cool floor. She moved in until his scent wrapped around her. Spruce from spending the day with the tree and a lingering hint of cinnamon stuck to him. They lined up like puzzle pieces, shifting and turning until they fit. His hand moved beside hers on the floor, not quite touching. His nose bumped her cheek, then nuzzled against hers lightly. Soft as cashmere, his bottom lip brushed hers. Sweet and innocent, the kiss was everything he shouldn’t be.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Romance