Page 76 of Unwrapped

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“I get the sentiment, but maybe you should—”

“How the hell could you know what I should do about anything? You and your lily white existence.”

“Lily white?” Cait laughed, shaking her head. “Kid, you have no clue. And that’s fine, because you’re not really old enough to—”

She broke off, suddenly realizing the idiocy of what she was saying. Val wasn’t old enough to what? To hear the truth? The truth she intended to yell hither and yon this evening at Tristan’s parents’ house?

Cait cleared her throat. She couldn’t have bungled this conversation any more if she’d tried. “My life is not lily white. In fact, I have an announcement of my own. That’s why we invited everyone over to Tristan’s house.”

Val’s eyes widened. “You’re not pregnant too?”

“No.” Laughing, she grabbed hold of Val’s swing and tugged her closer until the chains clinked. “Tristan, Matt and I are,” she took a deep breath, “together.”

Instead of hurling questions, Val pursed her lips and nodded. “I could see that.”

“You could?”

“Yeah. They’re both wicked hot. How would you choose?”

Cait grinned, tipping her head against her sister’s. “You’re right. How would I?” She bit her lip. “You don’t think it’s scandalous? I mean, we’re not just living together anymore.”

“You’re having sex,” she said matter-of-factly, making Cait feel even more ridiculous for blushing. Her fourteen-year-old sister could say it, so why couldn’t she?

“Yes.” She sucked in air. “We’re having sex.”

“All three of you. At the same time,” Val prompted.

Don’t blush. “Um, yeah.”

Val nodded sagely. “A threesome. It’s not that weird.”

“Well, it is kinda weird. But in a good way. I love them. They make me feel amazing.” She swallowed hard. “But the thing is, they love each other too. All three of us are romantically involved.”

Val nodded. “I figured. Tris’s totally metro.”


“Metrosexual.” Val smiled and kicked Cait’s leg. “So…the halo’s not so shiny anymore, huh? Hurts to be down here in the sludge with the rest of us.”

“I’m too in love to worry about my halo, smart-ass.”

“I’m glad.” Val jumped off the swing and held out her hands to help Cait to her feet.

“Wait, what about you?” Cait gripped her sister’s hand. “Let’s talk.”

“Oh, I’m totally happy now. Mom won’t care I’m a lez after she hears your news.”

Cait laughed and rose. “God, you’re such a jerk.”

“Oh, and by the way, tell your boyfriend I saw him that night. That’s when Liz freaked.” Val wrinkled her nose. “Well, the first time she freaked, anyway. It happened pretty much daily, at least until she went back to being a happy hetero.”

“Happy hetero? Ha.” Cait urged Val ahead of her toward the side exit. “Good luck with that one. I tried to deny how I felt too. I broke in a couple of days.”

“What did it?”

Heat climbed up Cait’s throat to her face, but she didn’t shy away from the question. “They’re very persuasive men.”

“Yeah, I bet.” Val grinned and turned to grab the door handle.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Erotic