Page 72 of Unwrapped

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Knowing there was only one acceptable answer, he nodded. But he didn’t hear the rest of what his mother said as he realized someone else had heard the conversation. Tristan stood in the hallway, wearing only his jeans, with one eyebrow cocked in silent question.

What did Tris expect him to do? Make an already embarrassing moment worse with oh hey, that gay thing? Not so far off, by the way.

Was he giving off some sort of man-loving vibe now? If so, he couldn’t complain. He did love a man.

So freaking much.

Lost in his own thoughts, he scarcely paid attention when Tristan walked away.

Tristan kicked back in his bed and stared at the ceiling. Moonlight slatted through the blinds and across his disturbingly unoccupied bed, reminding him exactly how alone he was.

Caity and Matt were downstairs in the kitchen with Matt’s mom, probably planning a lifetime of domestic bliss. Though he knew it wasn’t the truth, wasn’t reality, he couldn’t help feeling left out.

He turned over and punched his pillow, willing his mind to empty enough for him to sleep. It didn’t help that his bed smelled like Caity’s peach scent. Her smell alone made his dick hard.

Maybe thinking they could ever live any other life but one like this was crazy. It wasn’t as if he’d ever known anyone in a threesome relationship. If Matt and Caity wanted to pretend they were in love and do him on the side, he could handle that. He didn’t need to go to romantic dinners with them or walk around holding hands to know he loved them. They could just keep it their own private secret.

And he’d surely go insane within weeks.

He rubbed his forehead to dispel the ache brewing there. Christmas Day wasn’t the right time to consider all this. Mrs. Collins would be heading home in a couple of weeks; then maybe Caity and Matt would be more open to discussing how to handle their relationship. Together. The three of them, not just them doing their own thing while he floated out on a raft in the middle of the ocean, annexed.

If getting used to playing the secret third partner of their little union was in the cards, he’d have to figure out a way to deal with it. Of course, hearing his two co-conspirators whispering outside his bedroom didn’t help matters. They sounded as if they were having an argument. As tempted as he was to just bury his head under his pillow and ignore them, his ears pricked to try to catch the gist of their conversation.

“…we can’t let her think it’s just us. It’s not fair.”

“Just till she goes home. Then I’ll call.”

“Call? You’re going to call and tell her something like that? No, you’re telling her tomorrow. Just like I’m telling my family. Merry fucking Christmas.”

In spite of himself, Tristan laughed. His Caity Bait had grown balls bigger than Matt’s. He never would’ve guessed that she would be the one pushing to tell the truth, but there she was. His light bearer, finally accepting what he’d known all along.

He needed those two people like he needed the air in his lungs. God help them all.

A few minutes later, they entered his bedroom, still fighting quietly. He could tell from the swish of their clothing that they were getting undressed. Then Caity crawled into bed beside him and wrapped her arm around his waist as Matt scooted in behind her.

Tristan didn’t give any sign he was awake for a couple of minutes. But when she pressed her cool lips against his bare shoulder, he couldn’t stop the groan. “Uh-uh. No kissing. Not if you want this scenario to continue.”

“You’re awake?” Matt’s voice sounded gruff and exhausted.

Tristan almost felt sorry for him. He knew all too well how tiring Mrs. Collins’s excessive cheer could be, especially once she set her mind on something. But Matt’s readiness to just cut him out of the picture to save himself some trouble grated, even though he understood why.

“Yeah.” He stroked a hand over Caity’s hair and smiled at her rumble of contentment. “I couldn’t sleep, so I was lying here contemplating getting on Maybe I can find myself a new twosome to shack up with since y’all abandoned me.”

“Y’all?” Caity’s muted giggle made his smile widen. “, huh? Is that a real website?”

“Probably. I should go grab my phone and check.” When he started to get out of bed, Matt’s strong hand

clamped around his forearm.

“Get your ass back down in this bed, and stop pouting.”

Tristan chuckled and slumped back down. “I’m not pouting. I’m annoyed. And not even that much anymore.”

He gave in to the urge to roll over and face them, extending his arm until he encompassed them both. Caity snuggled close so that Matt could move in tight to her back. Almost as one, the three of them exhaled a collective sigh.

“He’s going to tell her tomorrow,” Caity murmured, her voice already soft with sleep.

“Yes, he is. Christ.” Matt’s irritated grunt made Tristan laugh.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Erotic