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“Not this,” he interrupted. “I see your flaws. Believe me, I see them.”

Easing back, she frowned. “Hey there.”

“I have them too. I’m not blind to yours or mine. But they don’t turn me off. Your flaws are gorgeous to me because they’re part of the whole. You can’t have a sunrise without the night. Your daybreak is worth every cloud.”

“Damn, don’t sweet talk me into submission. It’s so not fair.”

“It is fair. Everything is if it’ll keep you in my bed.” His lips quirked. “Or me in yours. I’m not fussy.”

“It’s too soon,” she whispered. “What if these feelings wear off?”

“What if? They feel really spectacular right now. I’m in no hurry to rush them along.” He smoothed his thumb over her wet cheek. “Are you?”

“No. I’m not. God, I’m so sorry. I practically pushed you into Casey’s arms.” She stroked his wrist, her watery eyes searching his. “You must’ve thought I didn’t care at all.”

“Actually it was the first time I was certain you did. You wouldn’t have gotten so mad if you weren’t jealous. But in case you still aren’t certain, I’m not interested in Casey. She was drunk and flirting with me, and you saw me trying to push her away. You’ll never have to worry if you can trust me. If I make a promise, I keep it.”

She lowered her head, blinking furiously. “I don’t deserve you.”

“Possibly not,” he said. When her gaze snapped back up, he grinned. “Guess you’ll have to work double-time to make sure you’re worth my while.” Circling her shoulders with his arm, he led her toward the stairs. “What was that you said about Zumba? When does that start?”

“Jerk.” Laughing, she punched him lightly in the side.

He waggled his brows. “Guess I have some stuff to make up to you too. Let’s go get started.”

“Wait.” She stopped. “We need to talk more about this.”

“Do you want me

to tell you that you’re not taking Roch’s place in my life? That I don’t have some kind of fixation on older women or something?”

Her focus on his face never wavered. “Yes.”

“Fine.” He took her shoulders and turned her toward him. “You couldn’t be less like Roch if you tried. If I was trying to find another one of her, you’d be my last choice. You’re a piss-poor replacement.”

“Thanks. I think.”

“The only people in this hallway are you and me. Let’s enjoy that for a while and stop inviting unwanted guests, okay?”

“You make it sound so easy.”

“It is easy. I’m falling for you.” Already fallen, he amended silently. “Your brother and best friend got married. And evidently, I need to keep an eye on your car right down to the gas tank.”

Her lips tugged upward. “One of those things is not like the others.”

“No. I’m also not like the other men you’ve been with.” He thought of what Brad had said about Kim’s usual speeches. They didn’t apply here. He would prove to her that she had made the right choice. “I’m going to be the best man I can be every day we’re together. You deserve a man worth holding on to.”

“You already are that man. It’s just… Michael, the last time I moved this fast with a guy, I got knocked up and married within a month. That didn’t end well.”

“This is different. We had a wedding today, just not ours. You won’t be getting knocked up but we can practice the process. A lot.” Thinking of Telly, he smiled. “We might be inheriting an offspring of sorts, though. With feathers. Think he’ll be okay with my cats?”

“Oh yeah, birds and cats go together swell.” Snorting, she shook her head. “Why are you asking about Telly, though? He’s going with Sara and Brad.”

“Not according to what Brad said on the phone when I called. Evidently their new place in Laramie is pet-free.”

“You called him because of me?”

He shrugged. “I needed advice about you.”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Afternoon Delight Romance