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Kim had to laugh as she turned to embrace her best friend. “You’re right.” And she was, for her and Brad. They’d known each other for years. Their love had been tested. She didn’t have any right thinking such deep thoughts about her and Michael when he might be halfway to hitting the road for all she knew.

Even if he kept casually but not casually mentioning the roominess of Kim’s house and how it would feel even bigger after Brad and Sara moved away. All coincidental like.

Even if she’d sort of cleaned out two drawers for him and began stocking his preferred brand of cereal and toothpaste.

Even if he stayed over every night—and she wanted him there.

None of that had to mean any more than she wanted it to. At the moment, she wanted it to mean she was dating a nice guy who had an uncanny ability at fucking her into oblivion. Not because she’d trained him—she’d given up such insanity early on after it became apparent his instincts were better than any instruction she could provide—but because he cared enough about her to take his time and always consider her needs.

She only hoped she would continue to do the same.

“You’re right,” Kim repeated, tucking the blue handkerchief into Sara’s hand. “Now let’s go get you married.”

Sara’s eyes filled. “Am I ready?” She gestured to herself. “Do I look okay?”

“You look like a dream and my brother’s one hell of a lucky SOB.”

Sara grinned. “He is, isn’t he?”

“Yes.” Kim held out her arm. “Let’s take you to Brad.”

Sara nodded, face glowing. Her tears gleamed on her lashes like tiny diamonds, making Kim’s heart turn over in her chest. “Yes. Let’s.”

The ceremony went by too fast. They’d staged it in the living room of their home, only inviting their closest friends and family. Sara’s father had passed not that long ago but her mother sat on a folding chair near the makeshift aisle, dabbing her eyes. Other friends from the sanctuary and their neighbors filled the room with laughter and conversation until the wedding march—provided by one of Brad’s coworker’s daughters on her keyboard—began. Bob stood in as best man and led Kim up the aisle, then it was Sara’s turn, escorted by Ted, one of the older zoologists from the sanctuary.

Standing at the end of the aisle, Sara paused, smiling broadly at Brad. Her brother grinned back, eyes damp. He looked so handsome and so freaking grown up in his suit that Kim couldn’t help sniffling into her bouquet of white and peach roses.

Her baby brother was getting married. To Sara, the closest friend she’d ever had.

This was the best day ever.

As Sara walked toward her brother, Kim’s gaze veered toward the second row of folding chairs. To Michael. He wore a steel gray suit that did amazing things for his dark hair and eyes. His smile eased the stomach muscles she hadn’t realized had gone tight with nerves. She wanted this day to be perfect for the people she loved. Sharing it with Michael, seeing the affection on his face, made an incredible moment even better.

She smiled at him and shifted to exchange a loving glance with her brother before turning to watch Sara finish her glide down the aisle. Brad held out a hand to his wife-to-be and pulled her close, holding her against him as the minister read their vows. And after they said their “I Dos” and the tears started—Sara’s and hers—she sought Michael again, needing to link with him in some small way. Only to find he was staring right back.

Laughter rang out after Sara and Brad’s first kiss as a married couple. All at once, the guests swarmed them, Kim included. She kissed them both and then stepped back to allow others their turns, retreating until she bumped into a solid, unmoving mass. Already smiling, she looked up, certain who she would find.

“You look gorgeous.” Michael brushed his mouth over hers, steadying her immeasurably. “Even prettier than the bride, though she’s stunning.”

“She is, isn’t she?”

“Absolutely.” He linked his arms around her waist and together, they turned to watch Sara and Brad make their rounds. The music started and as couples paired off, they swayed in their little corner. “Come on. Dance with me.”

“Naked rumba?” she teased.

“That’ll be later.” He spun her out and back. “For now I want to put my hands all over you while people can see.”

Her belly fluttered. He was going to be the death of her. “Kinky bastard.”

“When it comes to you? Hell yeah.”

The night sped by, full of dancing with her favorite guy and conversation and a little too many canapés. By the time they waved goodbye to Brad and Sara, who were headed to the airport for their New York City honeymoon weekend, she was tired and flushed and stuffed on happiness. Many of the guests were trickling out already. Though the party diehards would probably rage on for another hour or so, she was rapidly losing steam. The idea of going upstairs to cuddle with Michael far from prying eyes appealed to her on too many levels.

His lips coasted over her temple. “Want to go take a walk outside? It’s a nice night.”

“And leave the party?”

“Just for a minute. Besides, it’s getting quieter, and I can tell you need to regroup.” He linked their fingers over her waist. “Or maybe you’d rather take that walk alone. I’ll make your excuses if you’d like to escape for a bit.”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Afternoon Delight Romance