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Sara laughed and tipped her head against Kim’s. “Me too.”

“No, you scream. A

nd I do mean screaaaam.”

“Shut up.”

Kim flashed her a sly smile. “I’m beginning to see all the ways I can torture you with this information. This will be the most fun I’ve had all year. Even makes up for Greg—” She broke off, shaking her head. “Never mind.”

“What? Tell me.”

“Why should I? You hold out all the good stuff on me.”

Sara grabbed both of Kim’s hands. “I won’t ever again. I promise. No matter what happens with Brad, I won’t hold back.”

“Well, I’ll know some of what goes on, since you’re both blatantly obvious and hello, you live here.”

Sara shut her eyes and waited until she was sure her voice wouldn’t wobble. “I’m sure my apartment will be ready soon.”

“What? Why? I thought you liked it here.”

“Well, yeah, of course I do, but me and Brad being a couple changes things. If I keep living here, it makes it seem like—”

“Like this isn’t just something we’re doing to pass the time? Like we’re in love?” She whipped her head toward the doorway, where Brad slouched against the frame in a pair of jeans. He strolled into the room, looking more sinful than any man had a right to, wad of tissues sticking out of his back pocket and all. He scooped an arm around Sara’s shoulders and laid a kiss on her that made her already trippy head spin. Why didn’t they ever shut doors in this place? Or spray the walls with heavy-duty soundproofing? “You’re right. It does.”

As close as they’d come to making the declaration earlier, hearing the actual words “in love” set off a tremble in her belly. She didn’t want to get into this in front of Kim, but she’d be damned if she held anything back from him. Not when they were starting all over again.

“You may end up wanting things I can’t give you,” she said softly, hoping he got her meaning without her having to spell everything out. Though she would if she had to. “I know that’s in the future, but I’d hate for you to go without something that matters so much. It isn’t fair.”

“No, you know what isn’t fair to me? Thinking things like that and keeping them to yourself, instead of getting them out so I can tell you you’re sweet for worrying, but stop it. What’s meant to happen will.” He gathered her hair in his hand and pulled her cheek against his hot, bare skin. “All I need is you. The rest will happen when and if.”

“And if it doesn’t?” she pressed, darting a glance at Kim. Ah, to hell with it. She couldn’t take the chance he thought she was referring to anal sex or something. At least she didn’t have a problem with that. “Let’s say something crazy happens and we decide to get married.” At Kim’s whoop, she pointed at her friend. “Take it easy. For the sake of argument, let’s say we did, and you wanted children. What if that ship’s sailed and I can’t have them? Then what?”

“Then I immediately run off with my twenty-year-old receptionist and have three sets of twins.” He scratched his shoulder. “Guess I better put that ‘now hiring’ ad in the paper soon, huh?”

She shook her head, refusing to laugh. “I’m being serious, Brad.”

He knelt next to the bed and cupped her face in his big hands, his callused fingers scraping her cheeks with infinite gentleness. “There’s always adoption, and to me, that’s not a second choice. That’s a damn good first choice. When and if,” he repeated. “One bridge at a time, okay? Just trust that I’m right by your side, and whatever happens, we’ll cross it together. Now are you going to stay here with us, where you belong?”

She glanced at Kim for help and found her watching with a raised brow. “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”

This time Sara couldn’t restrain a laugh. What a duo they made. “I don’t want to leave. Ever. I’d be happy to stay here until you kick me out, but—”

“Then it’s settled. You’re not relocating. Except maybe to my room,” he added, his breath a warm, minty promise against her lips.

Kim snorted. “Yeah, he’s got a special, extra long drawer for King Kong.”

Because she seriously did not want to know, she met Brad’s glimmering gaze. “Is that an invitation?”

“Gold-plated, baby. So what do you say?”

She grinned and wove her fingers through his messy hair to tug him close for another kiss. “I say yes.”

Kim rolled on her back like a demented turtle, trying to scoot away on the messy bedding and failing miserably. “This is all toothache-sweet, but my eyes, my eyes!”

Brad laughed and leaned across Sara to plant a kiss on Kim’s head. “Thanks for being awesome about this, sis.” He gave Sara a sharp look. “I told you she would be.”

“Give the girl a break. What does she know about people? She hangs out with sex-crazed parrots who really need to be kept out of the bedroom. Too much incriminating evidence.” Kim shoved a suddenly coughing Brad back and slung an arm around Sara’s neck. “So who wants some pizza?”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Afternoon Delight Romance