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“You’re incorrigible.”

“And you love it.”

“I do.” The glow returned to her cheeks as she smiled over her shoulder at him. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He swatted her butt as she hurried ahead of him out into the parking lot. “Though I won’t be as understanding if you manhandle my truck. She’s my pride and joy.”

“Men and their toys,” she called airily as she hauled herself up into the cab without waiting for him once again. His fault for taking that extra instant to lock up. Though, hot damn, he couldn’t claim to not enjoy the view of those strong, capable legs flexing under her tight skirt.

The only benefit to the torturous drive home was that it was short. He didn’t deny that Sara did her best to learn, and he didn’t exactly give her a lot of time, but man, his truck. His truck.

She pulled into the driveway and turned off the ignition. “I’m sorry. I’ll be better tomorrow.” Even she didn’t sound convinced.

Little did she know there wouldn’t be a tomorrow, at least as far as she and the truck were concerned. “You did fine. Now hand over the keys.”

“It was my first time,” she protested.

He climbed down and went around to her side. Unsurprisingly, she was already getting down on her own. If he wanted to show her he could be a frigging gentleman, he was going to have to tie her in place.

Which didn’t sound altogether bad.

She followed him up the driveway around the side of the house, her heels clicking sharply on the blacktop. “No one’s good at anything their first time.”

“I gave a girl three orgasms the first time I had sex. Sorry, try a new argument.” They walked into the backyard and he glanced up at the second floor deck. He could probably still get up there, but if he fell, it’d definitely cut down on the cool factor.

“Showoff,” she muttered. “And don’t even think about that deck. I’m not sixteen, and you’re not Superman.”

“Sheesh, take away all a guy’s fun, why don’t you?” He grabbed her hand and led her to the back door, unlocking it with his key. Before they entered, he held up a finger to his lips. “Shh. She’ll never know we’re here.”

From Sara’s drawn-tight brows, she doubted that sincerely, but she didn’t argue with him. Progress.

The kitchen and hallway were dark. Though a light beamed from the front of the house, all was quiet. They tiptoed down the hall like teenagers, bumping into each other more than was necessary and swallowing laughter. They’d made it halfway up the stairs when a loud moan rang out from the living room, followed by a deep male voice uttering a stream of expletives that began and ended with praises to God.

Brad winced. “Thanks, sis.”

Sara pressed her nose into the curve between his neck and shoulder, chuckling softly. “Gotta give her credit. She only has one working ankle and from the sounds of it, that position takes coordination.”

“Ugh.” He clutched his stomach and twisted to push Sara up the stairs ahead of him. They shifted back and forth to avoid the creaky parts of the stairs, despite the extreme unlikelihood the pair in the living room would’ve heard anything short of a detonating bomb.

Leave it to his sister. She could make spiked lemonade out of any bucket of lemons.

Once they reached the carpeted landing, he turned Sara toward her bedroom. “Get what you need for a sleepover while I fix your bed.”


Rather than answer, he gave her a gentle shove into the room and she headed for her dresser, shaking her head. He could tell she was enjoying their little adventure. Sometimes it was fun acting like a kid. Everything between them had been way too serious for too long. Tonight they’d simply enjoy each other.

And if his sister “caught” them…oh well. Too bad. Maybe then they could have an adult relationship without the ridiculous constraints Sara had insisted on.

While Sara grabbed a pair of pajamas from her drawer—ha, as if she’d need them—he glanced around her room. Telly let out a chirp and she cooed over her shoulder at him, which was damn cute, Brad had to admit. But the way-too-chatty bird wasn’t what he was looking for.

Spying the longhaired, antique doll on the rocker, he grinned. Perfect.

He grabbed it and undid the doll’s pigtails, then tucked her beneath Sara’s neatly made covers. With some artful pillow arranging and sheet fluffing, someone taking a quick glance from the doorway might even be convinced Sara was in bed.

His mom probably wouldn’t like her doll being used to deceive her daughter, but then again, her daughter shouldn’t have tossed out her roommates so she could indulge in a night of sordid activity.

His grin spread as he eyed his handiwork. Though Kim was about to be outdone by the sordid activities taking place in his bathroom.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Afternoon Delight Romance