Page 27 of Jingle Ball

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This was what she got for working in an office with non-traditional, incredibly sexy bosses. Apparently, the rarefied air in the place had even infected Van.

Van shrugged, her innocent act not fooling Wendy one bit. “C’mon, don’t act like such a prude. You told me what you did with the two of them. What’s adding one more person?”

Wendy cast a quick glance left then right. “We did that before Des and I hooked up for good.” Why had she confessed that dirty secret anyway? Other than wanting to brag a little, because, seriously, Des and Cole were too hot to believe, especially as a duo. “We haven’t gone near Cole since before Christmas.”

“But don’t you miss it?” Van waggled her perfectly groomed blond brows. “It’s hard to tuck the freaky back down once you’ve let it out. Trust me, sista, I know.”

Wendy fanned her face and not because she was considering this absolutely insane idea. She wasn’t a freak. Hadn’t she made that bargain with herself to enjoy her few wild weeks with Cole and Des and then move on? That she’d ended up with Des permanently had just been gooey, delicious frosting on the cake.

“Des wouldn’t be into that,” she said quickly, happy to use her boyfriend as an out.

The man in question breezed down the hall, a stack of mail gripped in his broad hand. “Des wouldn’t be into what?” he asked, leaning down to kiss Wendy full on the mouth.

Van groaned. “More PDAs? Jesus.”

“With what you just suggested, you’re mad that he kissed me? Whoa, hello hypocrite,” Wendy muttered as Des shifted back and dumped the mail in her outbox tray. “I’ll drop that off on the way out tonight, honey,” she added to him.

“PDAs and endearments.” Van shook her head, her eyes gleaming. “I may gag.”

“Deal with it,” Des advised, sitting on the other corner of Wendy’s desk and breaking off one of her plastic leaves in the process. He picked it up off the floor with an apologetic wince. “Sorry.”

“No problem.” Wendy tugged out her top drawer and nodded toward the contents with a grin. Another strand of leaves were coiled up inside. She was saving those for Des’s office. “I always have extra leaves to go around.”

“What about penises?”

When Des and Wendy turned equally shocked expressions toward Van, she merely shrugged. “Des, your girlfriend is turning into a prude. You may want to do something about that before the condition becomes irreversible.”

Des grinned and reached out to stroke Wendy’s hair. She tried not to arch into the touch but it was damned hard. “I assure you that’s not true.”

“Whatever.” Van shook her head and stood. “You guys have a nice weekend. I need to go bolster myself for another ladies’ night at the bar since my supposed friend isn’t willing to share the wealth.” With a flounce of her blond curls, Van sashayed over to her cubicle.

Wendy’s shoulders sank with relief. Bullet dodged.

Des rubbed the back of Wendy’s hand and caught her attention. “What is she talking about? Dare I even ask?”

“No.” Wendy closed her eyes. “Really, it’s better if you don’t.”

“It’s about Cole, isn’t it? Those two have been circling each other so long I’m surprised they haven’t done it in the bathroom yet.”

“That may come.”

“I sure hope not.” He tipped up her chin and she opened her eyes, smiling as he lowered his mouth to hers. “The bathroom holds fond memories for you and me.”

They kissed for a couple minutes in that light, playful, non-sexual way that Wendy had discovered she absolutely adored. Some parts of being a couple were downright amazing.

Others, such as complete honesty, sometimes sucked.

“It does.” Sighing, she slid back and decided to just get it over with. “Van wants us to have a foursome to, I think, break the ice with her and Cole. Crazy, huh?”

He gazed at her for so long that her previously steady heartbeat edged up into the cardiac zone. Then he rubbed the corner of her mouth with his thumb. “That depends on you.”

“You’re not serious?”

“Have you forgotten how we got together, baby?”

“No. But that’s us. That’s not Van, Cole and us. Plus she’s…female.”

His mouth quirked. “So if she was another he, you’d consider it?”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Erotic