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Fireball. That was some crazy stuff.

But hey, maybe things weren’t as dire as I’d initially assumed. I had to believe in my girl. Perhaps even in the universe. I’d been told things happened exactly as they should.

Time for me to have some faith.

I rubbed my aching head. And a couple Excedrin.


“You can’t hide here forever.”

“Yes, I can.” I flipped the pillow to the cool side and dragged the covers over my head. “Did you get more of those candy things?”

“Georgia sold out of her stash because of you,” Ryan said with a sigh. The rattle of paper as she shook a few out onto my bedside table soothed me.

I peeked out from my blanket fort and snatched one of the ginger candies. They were a freaking miracle. We’d found the candies at Moonstone and Obsidian the other day. Evidently, I wasn’t the only one who needed a little something to help with morning sickness.

Crescent Cove’s affliction was catchy all the way to Luna Falls for help in the remedy game. As an extra piece of hilarity, the candies were actually made right here in the Cove. I might have to make friends with Hannah Wainwright simply so I could maximize my supply.

Ryan sat cross-legged on the floor beside my bed. “Honestly, I’d let you stay here until the baby is born. We could do one of those cool water births or something. Imagine PMS’s face?”

I flipped my blanket back so I could see her. “First of all, ew. Secondly, your guy would faint dead away.”

“I’d pay to see that.”

“You do realize the birth of my baby isn’t for your entertainment in freaking out Preston?”

She propped her elbows on her knees and gave me a goofy grin. “It was just a thought.”

I sighed and unearthed my phone from the depths of my bedding. Caleb had stopped texting me yesterday.

“Guess it took ten days for him to finally forget me.”

Crap. I hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

Ryan sat up. “Excuse me?” She snatched my phone away from me. “He’s been texting you this whole time?”

I returned to my burrito status. “Yes.”

He was the sweetest guy on earth, and I was petrified that I was actually in love with him. I didn’t know what to do with any of this. W

e’d only known each other for a few months—barely. How the heck was I supposed to believe we could raise a baby together?

What if I started to lean on him and he noped out of this deal? It wasn’t like I had that option.

“You are a complete ass. You didn’t reply to him even one time?”

“I told him I needed time to think,” I mumbled.

“Think about what? That you’re an idiot?” The blankets disappeared. Ryan stood at the end of the bed with the lush bedspread in her arms. I wanted to marry those blankets, dammit. They had some sort of magical properties that stayed cool and comfy at the same time.

I sat up. “What the hell, Ry?”

She was scrolling through my phone. “‘I just hope you’re doing okay. I’m thinking about you. We’re going to be okay, babe.’”

Tears pricked my eyes. Hearing those things out loud made my chest ache.

She locked the phone and threw it at me. “Are you kidding me? This whole time, you were just hiding here and this poor sap is pining for you?”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance