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Although it seemed ridiculous considering its current state, I closed the door behind me before heading into the kitchen so like my own. Luna had made it hers with soothing touches like the row of leafy plants on the windowsill and the bamboo windchimes over the island.

“I smell her here.” I didn’t realize I’d spoken aloud until Xavier took down a bottle from the cupboard and slid me a glance.

“Brother, you’ve got it bad.”

“Do I need to say again you’re not my brother?”

“No. I fully grasp that fact. But I have sympathy for you. Hell of a thing when a woman is carrying your baby and makes decisions without consulting you first.”

I frowned. “Her body, her choice.”

“That’s true. But it takes two.” He poured something into a short glass and slid it toward me across the island. “You look like you need this.”

“Drinking isn’t the answer to my problems.” But my mouth was watering just the same.

“No, but it sure makes them go down easier in the short term. Bottoms up.” He poured a glass for himself and knocked it back.

Ah, what the hell. I wouldn’t overindulge.

I joined him and drank. And nearly coughed up a lung at the hellfire that exploded in my gut.

“What the hell is that?” I sputtered once I’d finished.

“Fireball. Awesome, right?”

“One word for it.” I rubbed my throat. “It’s a miracle I can still speak.”

“Just wait a minute. You’ll grow to appreciate its finer qualities.”

It took half that. Holy shit, that was some powerful stuff.

Within five minutes, I was motioning for more.

Within ten minutes, I was loose enough to actually relax on the stool while X told me about what had happened between him and Luna years ago. How her mother had basically cut her off financially unless she toe-stepped into line.

Within twenty minutes, I was drinking my third and wondering why I hadn’t proposed on the spot when Luna told me she was pregnant.

“I was in love with her from like the first day. I was moving in, and she was on her stripper pole.”

X held up a finger. “No.”

“Anyhoo, my best friend wanted her. I mean, who wouldn’t? She’s so fucking dizzying. She just makes me spin, man.” Apparently, I needed to illustrate this statement by whirling around on my stool.

“I think the feeling is mutual.” He leaned forward on his crossed arms. So far, he’d only had the one drink and did not seem afflicted like I was. Of course I’d tripled his intake.

I’d always been an overachiever.

“Do you think she loves me? I might throw myself off the roof if she doesn’t.”

X lifted a brow. “Good to leave yourself some options.”


He laughed and pried my half consumed drink out of my hand. “You’ve had enough. And yes, I’m certain she loves you. My Lulu would face the devil and not blink. She only runs when she’s caught off-guard and shaken to her core.”

“You’re right. By God, you are.” I slammed a fist on the island and jerked to my feet before promptly catching my foot on the rung of the stool and sprawling on the floor. “Ow.”

Xavier sighed and came around the counter to haul me up with his hands under my armpits. “Sure you aren’t pregnant too? She fell like this today too.”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance