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“What do you mean she’s not here?” Ivy asked.

As briefly as possible, I told them. I also left out most swear words in case Rhiannon was anywhere in earshot.

I was father of the year material already.

“She didn’t leave you. She wouldn’t do that.”

Ivy’s even tone annoyed me. Not a shock, since everything was annoying me right now. “What do you know about the situation?”

“She’s a great woman, Caleb. You wouldn’t have slept with her otherwise. You’re too averse to baby fever.”

“You have a point. But this isn’t about me.”

“Yes, it is. She’s just freaked out. I saw her face when she realized. She was overwhelmed and seriously scared. Telling you terrified her, although she didn’t say that. She’s so strong.”

“But I was fine with it. I’m fu—frigging happy. Why won’t she let us be happy?”

“How long have you been together?”

“A couple months.”

“Yet you expect her to trust you one hundred percent in that time. She has a baby inside her, you jerk. She’s emotional and dealing with a million changes you can’t even comprehend. Swollen ankles, bloating, mood swings, hemorrhoids, unexpected leakage—”

“Stop right there.”

“Thanks for that, mate.” Rory sounded as disturbed as I felt.

“And on top of all that, she has a fearsome need to protect her baby. Even from you. Maybe especially from you, if she isn’t sure this whole child thing isn’t just a temporary lark to you.” She sighed. “Sorry to tell you, buddy, you don’t exactly have the best track record in town for fidelity.”

I didn’t say anything. Her truth bomb had hit me dead on.

“But she still had no cause to leave you flat out,” Rory added.

I shut my eyes. “Maybe she did. I wasn’t giving her any space. If this is a big change for me, it’s enormous for her. She said her back ached too much to even get up on her stripper pole.”

Someone coughed, and then there were the sounds of slapping and a scuffle.

“Please do not mention stripper poles in my husband’s earshot anymore, please and thank you.”

I had to chuckle. “Best thing in the freaking world, man. Though my baby sister, seriously? You dog.”

“Not the baby sister nonsense again,” she muttered.

“Would you prefer it if I wanted to see someone other than your sister on the pole?”

I couldn’t argue there.

“I’m going home to drown my sorrows in club soda and a little light pregnancy bedtime reading. Thanks for talking me down from the ledge.”

“Anytime. She’s going to be back soon, I promise. Just let her be the one who leads for a while, you know? She’ll tell you what she needs. And more than anything, just love her.”

“I can do that,” I murmured.

“Aww. I knew it.” Ivy sniffled. “My big bro’s in love. Finally. I was beginning to think it would never happen. Or else you’d just marry Lucky.”

“He does have his uses, such as heavy duty lifting.”

“And he makes a mighty cocktail. That one he made at his March Madness party got me so lit that Rory was able to talk me into going behind the gazebo and—oh, look at the time. Have to put Rhi to bed. Good luck. Talk soon, love you!” She clicked off before I could decide whether to laugh or throw up.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance