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A huge tear dripped down her cheek. “Why do I always end up with these kinds of men?”

I leaned forward and gave her a soft smile. “Because you have an amazing, gentle, and open heart. And you’re beyond beautiful.” I watched her aura fluctuate between the pink of hopeful love and a more muted green.

Ever since the hill at the picnic with Caleb, I’d had more and more trouble with auras. They were stronger and harder to control. I had a feeling it was a lovely part of being pregnant.

I’d heard of witches with augmented gifts because of their pregnancies. Whether it was taking on the gifts of the child for a while, or just the chaos of hormones, there would be some fun times to come.

“I feel like this guy may not be giving you the whole story. I don’t know what that means yet, but I think you need to have a heart to heart with Patrick to see if you’re on the same page.”

I shuffled all the cards again, then cut the deck into three and flipped the middle. The Star came up again. I flipped it around to show her. “There’s always hope. If that means there is hope for you and Patrick, or that you’ll find the right guy soon, I just don’t know.”

She dashed away another tear. “You always know what to say. Even when you’re so sick. Is it the flu?”

I gave her a wry smile. “Baby flu.”

“Oh, Luna!” Her eyes flooded again. “Congratulations. That’s amazing.”

It felt weird to tell someone. Well, other than Caleb and his sister. But for the first time, it seemed like something wondrous and not just fear-inducing. “Thanks. I’m one of the lucky women with an enduring relationship with my bathroom, unfortunately.”

“Oh.” Her huge dark eyes flooded with tears and empathy. “How awful. Get yourself some mints. It always helped my sister-in-law.”

“I will.” I had a large order to fill at Moonstone and Obsidian. And I’d ask Georgia for a little help as well. She was used to tending to women with all sorts of ailments. I couldn’t be the first pregnant woman who needed assistance in this area.

“I’m really sorry I had to cut this short.”

She held up a hand. “It’s all right. I just hope you start feeling better.”

Relief made my shoulders loosen. I hadn’t even known the muscles were bunched up with tension. “Patrick doesn’t deserve you, Mads.”

She gave me a watery smile. “He probably doesn’t. Just send me a note when you’re feeling more yourself.”

“I will.”

I ended the video chat and slumped back in my chair.

Then the nausea returned. No amount of lemon oil was going to stop it. I bolted from my chair, but tripped over the cord for my microphone and landed hard on my hip.

A string of inventive words for what I was going to do to Caleb’s man parts ended in a dry heave.

Someone knocked. “Luna?”

“Go away,” I yelled at the door.

It was a male voice, but I was t

oo busy trying to get off the floor before I had an extra mess to clean up. I gave up and started crawling to the bathroom.

My foot hooked on the cord to the speaker on the end table beside the couch as the room swam. Everything came down with bang. The lampshade bounced off my butt, and my lamp rolled under my desk.

Another bang sounded from the front of my apartment. Something slammed into my door. Then the doorjamb splintered before the door bounced off the wall.

Great. Someone was breaking in as I was crawling to the bathroom to puke up my Pedialyte. Or knowing my luck it was Caleb. Right now, I wanted to turn him into a eunuch for doing this to me.

I’d thought his cock was beautiful. Well, the fruits of that beautiful cock were going to kill me dead.


I knew that voice. Caleb would have been a better choice. “Oh, no. How did you find me?” I asked the floor as I pressed my forehead into the hardwood.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance