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Yes, sir.

The sexy tones of the piano and Queen Bey’s breathy voice helped me slip into character. I bent my knee around the pole and put myself into a light spin. Slowly, deliberately, and with a shit-ton more effort than it looked like to anyone watching, I climbed up so I could do a backbend and brace myself with the pole.

Just as I inched to the top of the pole and flipped, the door opened. I forced myself not to look at him. I kept myself in the zone as I tightened my hold on the pole and lightly spun upside down, bending my hips and waist around the steel as my muscles warmed.

I did a slow spin and finally touched the ground before I glanced up.

Caleb stood in the middle of the kitchen, his mouth slack.

Somehow I managed not to laugh. I did a slow walk around the pole, the click of my insane heels so loud as the song ended. I did a backbend and glossed my lips with the tip of my tongue.

“Hey, babe.”

Caleb dropped his bag. “Fuck.”

“Thought you might like to see one of my routines.” I nodded to the chair. “Would you like a front row seat?”

“Absolutely. I’m the luckiest fucking man.” He left the bag where it landed and started toward me.

“Bring the tequila and salt.”

“I’m a dead man,” he muttered as he spun around and dug into the bag.

“Limes?” I asked as the song changed to a decidedly naughtier one.

“Dead man,” he said again as he craned his neck to keep watching.

I laughed and undulated my hips through a backbend before I did one of my fast flips. The pole shuddered, but his reaction was worth it as I grabbed my heel with one hand and clamped my arm and knee around the pole with the other.

My muscles strained as I stared at the mandala I’d pinned up around the pole on the ceiling. The wild kaleidoscope of colors blended as I sped up and slowly spiraled toward the floor.

Just before my knees touched the hardwood, I extended one leg and heard something hit the floor in the distance. I laughed and gently brought myself into a handstand then lightly did a backbend and stood up.

I’d worked up a nice sheen of sweat.

I walked slowly into the kitchen where he’d lined up shot glasses. I trailed my fingers down over his T-shirt then over to his arm. I lifted his wrist to my mouth and licked him. “Salt?”

Caleb blinked. “Salt?”


“Right.” He grabbed the salt shaker and shook it over his wrist.

I lifted one of the shot glasses with a wink and tucked a wedge of lime between his teeth. “Cheers.” I tossed it back, licked the salt off his wrist, then stole the lime and strutted my way back to the pole.

Caleb followed me with the bottle and dropped into the chair. “Have you done this before?”

Lightly, I trailed my fingertips over the pole as I lowered to my knees. “I’ve been dancing for a few years.”

He opened his legs and his eyes went heavy-lidded in response as I slowly crawled his way. The song changed to a raunchy Nickelback song. I took the bottle from him and dipped my finger in to coat it then dripped the tequila on his lips. I licked it off his lower lip and inched away when he tried to deepen the kiss.

This was way too fun.

I returned to the pole and did a quick hop up to the middle, clamping my hand near my chest and high above my head. I tucked my knee around the pole to spin in a wide arc. As the song came to a close, I pushed out my tits.


Was that…? Holy shit.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance