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Her sleepy blue eyes sparkled as she quickly looped her arm around my neck. “Now that was some brunch.”

No ‘I’m too heavy. Don’t do that.’ She just embraced the moment and allowed me to carry her. “Just wait until dinner.”

She tipped her head against my shoulder. “I think you tried to kill me.”

“Nah. I still have plans for you.”

“Maybe give me a couple minutes?” She yawned. “I’ll be ready for round three in a few.”

Disappointment made my dick want to whimper, but she was too cute for words.

I headed for my room. While I could probably rouse her to get a little something for myself, I resigned myself to some downtime.

Gently, I set her on the navy sheets of my king-sized bed. She instantly curled onto her side and tucked a pillow into her chest. “I’ll just be a second. A few minutes maybe,” she mumbled.

I kicked off my shorts and crawled in next to her.

She settled back against my chest and pulled my arm around her waist. “Just a lil’ nap.”

I shoved a pillow under my head and prepared to wait out her nap. Surprisingly, I followed her into slumber just as quickly, wearing a smile.

Magical Luna properties apparently worked even when she was in my bed.


I rolled over and bumped into a warm and very solid body. Caleb was on his back, his arm flung above his head at an angle he’d probably regret when he woke.

My first instinct was to slip out of the bed and head back to my own place.

How many times had I done the disappearing act?

I really didn’t want to figure out that number. Instead, I wondered what the next steps might be if I actually stuck around for the first time since I was… Wow.

Yeah, that was a memory lane I definitely wasn’t going down.

Pushing that aside, I perused the very nicely made man lying beside me. The man who’d made sure I had been well taken care of this morning and post brunch. Of course most guys were on their best behavior for the first few rounds.

Either that or they were just selfish pricks from the jump and not worth my time. Caleb was…different.

He had player written all over him. The charming grin and effortless hotness factor had given him a leg up. I’d known men like him all my life, but when he was around me, he seemed to trip over himself in ways that confounded him.

There was a difference between guys who were normally goofy and inept introverts and those who were generally comfortable in their skin.

Caleb was definitely aware of the checkmarks in his good column. He was a teacher, so he was smart and good with kids, charming, and had the All American Dude label practically stamped on his forehead.

All the things that would make him comfortable to be around, but not the kind of guy I usually let in my bed.

Our worlds would never have collided if not for the hallway between our apartments.

Was that fate interfering? The universe liked to fuck with me as much as it had saved me.

“That’s a lot of thinky thoughts going on.”

I peeked at him over the pillow I’d commandeered. He still had his arm above his head and his eyes were closed. “A woman’s prerogative.”

He grinned and rolled onto his side to face me. “Looking for an exit strategy?”

“Reviewed and discarded.”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance