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“Oh, Thor is going to pay for this one, that’s for sure. Step back. I’m not getting sued for running over toes.” She leaned into the back for my shoes and tossed them at us.

Caleb laughed and kicked them back toward the sidewalk. “Thanks, Tish.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She put the car in reverse. “I need to get away from you two. This baby shit is catchy in this town.”

“Uh oh,” I said as she drove off.


“Lucky’s megaphone is still in the car.”

“I have a feeling he’ll get it back.” Caleb waggled his brows. “One way or another.”

I laughed and wrapped my legs around his waist. “How about we go inside and I’ll show you just how much I missed you?”

“Now that’s a plan.” He gently set me down.

I slipped my shoes on and took his hand.

I had my guy and our baby. Forever was a scary word, but it didn’t seem so bad when I had him by my side.

And besides, I knew how to be very, very flexible.



I tipped my head as I looked at myself in the mirror.

“Do you think it’s too much?”

“I think you’re going to kill him.” Ryan’s voice came out of my Alexa video speaker. Caleb had bought it for me so he could check on me while he was at school. Now I had one in my bedroom-slash-office and in the kitchen.

I should’ve been offended and worried he was being an overlord, but he was so damn cute with his check-ins. I actually looked forward to them daily.

Not that I’d tell him that.

I fussed with the white knee-high socks. “You know, is this too cliche? He’s a teacher and this is…”

“A heart attack for any man with a pulse.”

I turned from my mirror to find Ryan with her head propped up on her hand, her gaze focused on something else in the room. Most likely, it was centered on PMS, otherwise known as Preston to the rest of the world. He was probably doing someth

ing in the kitchen based on the heat level in her eyes.

I snapped my fingers and Ryan’s turquoise eyes zeroed in on me. “Sorry.”

“You can go play with your boytoy in a minute.”

Ryan flushed. “I got distracted. He’s wearing a pair of jeans. My guy has a superior ass.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll take your word for it.”

She turned the camera. “Yo, PMS! Do a little twirl for Lu.”

Preston put his hands on his hips. “Don’t objectify me, Miss Moon.”

“Oh, jeez.” I knew that tone.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance