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He smiled against the light pink lace. “I’ll hear that in my dreams.”

I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to think about him dreaming of me. I only wanted to think of the now—the pleasure from this ill-advised plan. Not the nebulous future I couldn’t control.

Then he tucked his tongue under the elastic and groaned at what he found there. Nothing but skin and me. “Ellie.”

He peeled my jeans and panties down and growled. Wasn’t sure I’d ever heard a guy growl about me. He fumbled with my stretchy boots and finally got them off. He shoved his shoulders between my thighs and opened me wide then dragged his chin over my flesh to the absolutely bare skin around my slit.

Working at a salon meant I had access to all sorts of personal grooming. And keeping our Brazilian techniques sharp in a small town meant sometimes we had to practice on each other.

“Beautiful.” He glanced up at me as he traced his tongue along my swollen center.

I lifted my hips to either help him along or push him away. I wasn’t sure which. It was too much and too invasive for a first time. And yet hadn’t I done the same? Here was my tit for tat. I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be pushing him away in the final moment as he’d done to me.

Reaching up toward the headboard, I only found pillows. I couldn’t breathe around the rasping play of his tongue along every nerve ending inside me. When I couldn’t move away from the onslaught of his lips and then the pressure of his finger sliding inward, I gave up and cupped my breast to tug at my nipple.

I was on the edge and crazed with it. No self -induced orgasms were like this. They were perfunctory when my insomnia got too bad, and it was the only way to knock my ass out. This was all-consuming as he watched me flail.

His nostrils flared as he held onto me and spread me wider. I tried to buck him off me, afraid the entire floor would hear my sounds. Finally, I grabbed one of the pillows behind me and screamed into it. The broken sobs had me curling into myself, but he wouldn’t allow it.

He wanted inside every part of me.

Quickly, he climbed up and took the pillow from me, replacing it with his mouth. The wildness of my own taste was a chain reaction. He slid two fingers inside me and rode out the scream. I tasted blood as our teeth clashed in the shuddering chatter of my overwhelmed system.

He was right there with me. He swore and scraped his teeth down my neck as I cried out his name over and over. There was no generic cry for God. There was only Callum and the maelstrom of pleasure. When he fumbled between us, I recognized the unmistakable feel of latex, and then it just didn’t matter. He was filling me, driving into me and chasing the end of my orgasm and demanding more. And I gave it. I gave him everything without thought to the aftermath.

I wrapped myself around him and accepted all of him. The sweat and the hardness, the power and the insanity. It shouldn’t be this good. It shouldn’t feel like everything.

But it was.

It did.

“Ellie. Come with me.” He slid one hand between us and the friction and the fullness were no match for self-preservation. I dug my nails into his back as he thrust into me again and again. And the one orgasm clawed into two.

He pinned me to the mattress and groaned against my neck then found my mouth as we held on to one another. I didn’t realize there were tears until he kissed them away and slowly, the room came back into focus.

The muscles I hadn’t used in well over a year shrieked even as I wanted to roll over and sleep for a lifetime. “Glorious,” I murmured into his skin.

He laughed and lightly kissed my shoulder. “You may not say the same when you see what I did to your neck.” He drew his thumb over an abrasion before he rolled off me with a wince.

We lay side by side, our breathing still labored. Eventually, he rolled off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. The sound of water running and the flush of a toilet roused me from the near coma I’d slipped into.

He shifted me under the covers and kissed me. “I’m freaking famished.”

I cuddled into the cool white pillow and could have happily drifted off. “I should go.”

“No, stay. I’m going to go get us something to eat.”

I needed to go. Ties came with each minute I lingered in the afterglow. But the bed was so warm, and everything was so soft.

Including me.

He pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I’ll be right back.”

“‘Kay,” I mumbled.

I should really go.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance