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She nodded. “I’m fine.” She patted my chest and gave me a brave, nervy smile. “I just need to see my sister.”

“You’re sure that’s all it is?”

“Later.” Bonnie pushed Gina out of the way. “Kiss and make up later.” She knocked Gina into me because of her massive bag.

I caught Gina at the waist. “We need to make up?”

Bee shook her head. “Don’t mind her.” She went on her toes and kissed me. “Will you come in? Or do you need to get back?”

“Kinleigh is okay taking Sami?”

She nodded. “She, Luna, and Ryan were having a girls’ night. Said Sami just made it a party.”

“Okay. I’ll go park and be right in.”

She nibbled her lower lip. “You don’t have to stay—”

I leaned down and kissed her hard. “Your family is my family, Bee. Get used to it.”

Her eyes were misty as she nodded. “Okay.” She cupped my face. “Okay.” She kissed me lightly. “I’ll see you in a few.”

“Count on it.” I watched her rush after her mother. She was still wearing her diner uniform and apron.

If the birth lasted longer than a few hours—and with it being Erica’s first baby, it could—I’d go get them supplies. I just hoped it wouldn’t take a million years.

A nervous Bee made me anxious, as well. Would she be like this if we had a kid? One we’d made together. The hum of energy inside me ratcheted up to a tight chest at the thought. Her round with my baby, her a bundle of nerves and joy. Would it be a girl or a boy?

I didn’t much care. In fact, I was getting used to being outnumbered in my house. Between the dog and my girls, there wasn’t a whole helluva lot of testosterone in my cabin these days.

Speaking of my dog, I sent off a text for my brother to take Sadie for the evening. Then I parked, locked up, and headed in after my girl.

The clinic was busy, but not at the frenetic pace of a hospital. It was more of a hushed space with soft colors that were supposed to invoke calm. Not sure why it made me even more wound up.

Was this my future?

I wasn’t in a rush to do the kid thing again. I liked watching Sami bloom between us, and I was selfish enough to want this newness with Bee to last a bit longer. But I could see it. And it wasn’t in the far-off distance anymore.

Everything seemed possible now.

I stopped in the gift shop for a selection of caffeinated and non-caffeinated beverages to hold us over. At the counter, I added a Burt’s Bees chapstick to the pile. I didn’t see Gina’s purse in the mix, and she went a little crazy if she didn’t have her tube of lip balm.

I gave the checkout girl a quick smile and gathered my belongings. As I walked down the hall, I saw signs for the lab and another for elevators to t

he maternity ward. My pocket buzzed with a text back from my brother that he’d take care of Sadie and another from Gina letting me know which floor to meet them on.

Ten minutes later, I finally found the corner waiting room. Gina and Gabby were sitting together by the window. Kayla was pacing the length of the area rug stitched with lettered baby blocks. Enrique and Bonnie were huddled close together on a loveseat.

Gina popped up as soon as she saw me. “Hey.”

I gathered her in for a quick hug. “Any word?”

“No. Jake said he’d be out with some details soon.” She peeked in the bag. “What’s all this?”

“Figured it was easier to stop in the gift shop than to try to find a vending machine.”

“Always prepared.” She dipped her hand in. “Is this for me?”

“Who else likes that gritty stuff?”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance